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Everything posted by AndrewJ

  1. Hi everyone. I just got an e-mail from Rachel Holskin (the e-mail came in at 6:11 p.m. est). I was awarded a full grant to Ukraine!!!! The subject line of the e-mail said Fulbright Application Status (PR).
  2. Pelevinfan, Speaking only for myself, I don't think it sounds ridiculous at all. Many Russia finalists have been notified, and yet you've heard nothing. If I were in your shoes I'd be going crazy (heck, I'm going crazy myself waiting for notification). Do you have any sense of why you'd need to wait until Monday? In other words, why couldn't they tell you later today or tomorrow? If so many Russia finalists have been finding out yesterday and today, it seems strange to have to wait until Monday. With that said, I don't think there's much more we can do but wait (and hit refresh on our e-mail).
  3. Hi Morshinksa, This is a great piece of information. Thanks for asking Rachel about it. I also applied to Ukraine (full grant) and I'm waiting to hear back. Did you apply for a full grant or ETA?
  4. Hi Pec15, Did you e-mail Rachel today?
  5. Congrats, Eric!!!!! That's fantastic. When did you get the e-mail?
  6. Hi sonnyday, I'm told by the Fulbright coordinator at my school that, after the initial recommendation phase, host countries are given twice as many applicants as there are spots available for each particular country. So overall there should be an equal number of rejections and acceptances.
  7. I second that. It's seemed really quiet to me too. Has anyone heard anything today?
  8. Eric, That sounds like a great project and I think it has, in certain ways, connections to what I'm interested in. I'd love to hear how things work out for you.
  9. Hi Eric, At the moment, the plan is to spend half of the grant period in Kyiv and the other half in Lviv. My topic involves journalism and political theory. More specifically, I'm interested in looking at certain normative beliefs most journalists have regarding things like the amount of work the audience is willing to do in discerning truth. That's the very basic gyst of it. In any case, how about you? Where will you be, and what is your topic?
  10. Wow. That was quick. I see my information has already been updated on the spreadsheet. Thank you to whomever updates it so quickly.
  11. Hello everyone. I'd like to include my information in the spreadsheet. I e-mailed it to the address (fulbright2012.2013@gmail.com) yesterday, although it hasn't appeared on the spreadsheet yet. Name: AndrewJ Country: Ukraine Region: Europe & Eurasia Grant Type: Full Status: Recommended Academic Status: Grad Thank you, AndrewJ
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