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Everything posted by suhayla

  1. suhayla


    While I agree that they're jerks, I would not try to piss them off. Contact the grad admin in your department (with whom I would try to be as friendly as possible) and hopefully she/he will have some info for you. ((I'm an admin assistant and I'm offended that people think that we should be treated that poorly thinking that it will have positive consequences))
  2. suhayla


    congratulations to all who received an award... (I count myself among the lucky few, having just received notification from my department admin). CGS M
  3. suhayla


    wow. that time lag is somewhat disappointing. I'm calling my department and the FGS today.
  4. suhayla


    *sigh* in the same boat. SGS emailed me in February and then re-read my proposal a few weeks later. What was I thinking????
  5. suhayla


    I work in a grad department (not my own, of course) as an admin, and the grad admin told me that every year the schools find out after the students - and that we've been advised that SSHRC will be notifying the grad schools on (or around) the 15th of April - so, any day now is the word... (can't wait to get home to check the mailbox and disappointingly find only coupons for burger king and safeway flyers)
  6. suhayla


    Well, I think I'll sleep better with this info... the whole thing is confusing and the stats make my head swim - I totally understand what you're saying and it makes much more sense. It's likely that they're looking at overall numbers and not just the forwarded apps...
  7. suhayla


    I have been present in a departmental review of sshrc apps, and basically the people who are going to make the decisions go through each of the files, then meet to rank the applications. The research proposal is one of the most important considerations, but academic history (as determined by transcripts and the GPA calculation that the administrator makes for each file) is also important. Adjudicators may also speculate as to who they think will be more likely to be successful in the other competitions (ie. I prefer this app, but don't think she'll be as successful as the other app). The files are ranked (1,2,3,4,5) and submitted to Grad Studies for another review. The process is not "scientific" and any numbers associated with ranking are relative. When my Masters application was forwarded on to the national competition I asked people (that is, university admins) what the stats were, they said that once an app is forwarded to the national competition the chances are about 50/50. I still have my fingers crossed but the good thing is that UofT has a pretty good track record... but knowing that people are already receiving notifications is making me a little jittery...
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