I'm not positive, but on the Eastern Europe Facebook group she didn't sound like she was planning on turning it down (when she originally joined), so hopefully that means more funding? Fingers crossed for you!
I e-mailed yesterday, she said she hopes by the end of the week (for Serbia). Don't know if the other Balkans are expected to be at the same time, fingers crossed for all of us!
eta-- congrats to all who got their grants!
I second this! I have deluded myself into thinking it MUST be by today based on what Rachel told me two weeks ago... so going back to uncertainty over the weekend would be the worst!
I'm a finalist for Serbia (ETA) and on Friday 3/30, Rachel told me I should hear within 2 weeks. So hopefully this will hold true for all of us who applied to former Yugoslavia!
First time posting... recommended for Serbia ETA. I replied to Rachel's pre-departure orientation asking for a timeline, and on Friday she said I should hear back within two weeks. Serbia's a pretty new program so there's not a lot of data about when they've heard in the past. Nice to know I won't be waiting too too long! (Although 2 weeks seems like forever... ugh!)