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    Fulbright ETA Cyprus

l.bell's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hello all, I am a first time poster but a long time lurker. I found out yesterday that I am an alternate to Cyprus ETA, which I was surprised I made it that far, given that I applied at-large (not by choice). I really wanted someone else's opinion on this. I did apply at-large because my university, mainly the FPA on my campus, chose to not back me. Is this normal? My university is a mid-size and to-date they have only had one person ever get the Fulbright, so (to me) it seems like they would want to do everything they could to help out someone who is applying. Also, I must add that there are no set steps/procedures in applying for the Fulbright on my campus, because hardly anyone is aware that it even exists. My friend, who attends another university, told me that they have required seminars and meetings. My university has none of that. Anyways, I approached my FPA approximately six to seven weeks before the deadline to tell her that I wanted to apply and to ask her if I even had a shot. Especially, given the fact that I had graduated in 2010. At that point, I had already contacted my three references and had rough drafts of my essays, which I made her aware of all of that. She was somewhat helpful, and told me that she would email the committee and get back to me. After a week to a week and a half, I still had not heard back from her. So, I emailed her. She quickly responded, saying "Though it is an excellent committee, they are all busy professionals and so I think it is unlikely that we could have the kind of turnaround time that would be needed to help you in this cycle." To be honest I was shocked, given that she had told me no one else was applying at that time and I had studied abroad three times through her office. I emailed her asking if there was anyone on the committee that would be willing to assist me in my application, just to proof my essays and give me feedback. That email received no response. I feel like I should say something to someone (above my FPA) so that my university gets a set procedure for the Fulbright application process, or at least some deadlines to notify the FPA that you want to apply. I just don't want this to happen to someone else. So basically I am wondering, if this had happened to you what would you do? Would you just sit back and say nothing? Or would you try to get it changed for future Fulbright applicants? Also, how would you go about doing this, so that you don't step on anyone’s toes? Thanks in advance.
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