I applied for the 2011-2012 cycle and did not even get selected as a finalist, and this year received the full grant. During the year, I wrote other grant applications as well and did more background reading so my project changed dramatically, so my 2012-2013 was a completely new proposal. I also switched the country I was applying for (which I understand not many people can do) but since my project has a transnational focus I was able to do that. The best feedback I got were from the two professors that interviewed me at my university the first time around. They told me what worked in my first application, and what needed work. Additionally, what i think made my application stronger the second time around was I made personal contact with my host institution(s) (i had two the second time around instead of one) and they wrote me very personal letters of affiliation, which I think made a big difference. I first made contact in July, and asked them for letters at the end of August, so they really knew me and my project by the time they were writing in support of my application. I also started the application in June and had numerous people read it and tweak it before the September deadline. The first year, I must admit, was much more rushed. I hope this helps!!!