Hi, so I got a CGS-M, but I'm planning on taking it to the U.S. to a PhD Program. I looked online to see what forms I need to fill out, and it's a bit confusing. I've tried contacting NSERC by phone, left a message and haven't gotten a reply. I also tried e-mailing, but just got an automated email back which wasn't helpful. Anyways, if anyone can help with the following questions I would really appreciate it
1. Can I email Form 1A and 1B to NSERC or are they supposed to be sent by mail?
2. I read online that I am supposed go complete Form 1B to change universities because I haven't yet taken up the award and I haven't yet submitted a Payment Activation form. In Part I of this form it asks for email address, telephone number and mailing address (Part II). Is this referring to the addresses for my Department at the university that I'm going to be taking the award to or my own contact information?
3. Also on Form 1B Part I (which is supposed to be sent to the university) it says I have to submit a copy of my NSERC Award notice. My award letter I received was for a CGS-M, but I will be declining this to get a PGS-M (which is $200 less). So would it still be fine to submit this award notice, or will I be receiving another one for a PGS-M?