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Everything posted by bink

  1. Hey guys, I've been lurking here for quite some time! What a great place. Time to chime in. I got rejected for Vanier yesterday (ranked 116/204 for NSERC). However, a colleague and I both found out today that we got a PGS-D3. We are in experimental psychology (I am neuroscience, he is cognitive science). I had sent an email to grad studies yesterday inquiring about whether they knew anything about NSERC, and they told me they heard nothing. But they apparently did because they forwarded the results to the various departments, and then my department head notified all the profs. Who then notified me. No actual NSERC letter yet, and I don't expect one until next week because we are in Saskatchewan. As per pubs: 1 first author in relatively high impact journal, 1 second author, 1 under submission at time of application, 5 published conference abstracts, and I mentioned 3 other manuscripts under preparation. Congrats to all who won, consolidations to those who didn't, and virtual beer to all of you!
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