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Posts posted by Bluebird86

  1. So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!

    ACCEPTED MDev :)

    Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

    Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

    As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

    Loads of wishes :)


  2. I second that statement Bluebird86.. U can travel around Europe easily and in the cheaper rate...so u can have as many as country under ur belt so u can tell ur grandkids that u have been to many European countries :D



    Bluebird86, no!!

    SAIS is in DC.

    It's located across from Brookings and other top think tanks and organizations.

    It's at the very center of policy research/activity!

    I actually did an internship near there and had opp to go in the main building.

    It's actually not the best campus, compared to Georgetown, but it's very centrally located.


    Also, Baltimore isn't so bad either!



    SAIS is in Washington i think. Still, Geneva is better :D


    Ahh... I just assumed since JHU was in Baltimore, so was SAIS, but it makes sense it's in DC.  I never looked into the program for myself.  I agree though that being in Switzerland has its perks too, especially when it comes to traveling! 


    I hope I find out soon so I can go back to being productive! LOL

  3. Gotcha!! Thanks Cai..You have IHEID..so go with it :D

    Congrats on IHEID!


    i applied to SAIS too. According to their website, the results are going to be released on March 14th(in my case Saturday morning). If i'm rejected then IHEID it is, if not, well, it's gonna be tough deciding which one to go...

    Let's just say that Geneva is wayyyy better to live in than Baltimore! I'd stick with IHEID!

  4. Well I am stalking IHEID's facebook page and Ms Eicher is replying to a few students who like us are dying of anxiety just waiting day after day and here is what she replied: "We are processing every application one after the other, without consideration of admission status. Paola Eicher"


    This explains why decisions are trickling in so slowly and doesn't mean that the rest of us were rejected... at least I hope not! Hang in there!

    Thanks for posting the update! Hopefully we will hear soon. From what it sounds like though (from the recent FB posts) that we should definitely hear something by the end of business on March 15 - only a few more days!

  5. Congrats! Did you get the email late tonight? Or earlier this afternoon?



    The summary title would be that I am currently focusing on state behavior within the WTO. I looked for WTO oriented IPE scholars who had existing research that ran along similar lines, along with schools that had courses that would let me look more into the history of financial crises (which is my other passion). I went looking for particular scholars accessible at the MA level in top schools, which really limited my options. I know I'm aiming high, just hope it pays off. ><

    Sounds interesting! Good luck!

  6. Nope. Not yet.

    I didn't even think about that part yet... I'm still very stunned that I actually got into one of my top choices... incredible 


    But I'll post any further information I receive from IHEID on this thread for everyone's reference.


    Thanks! and congrats again!

    I have a very particular research interest so I applied with specific faculty to work with in mind. I couldn't find specialists whose reseach aligned with mine at the MA level in my field at other schools. It very well could come back to bite me, or particuliarity will be a selling feature. I couldn't tell you.

    What is your research interest?

  7. hahahah why you guys like to use NADA? Is it popular in the States right now?  But I have to admit that it is one of the most used words in my daily life in Buenos Aires.  ;)  and also La Puta que te parió.


    Some reflections after a long week of waiting. First, i have completely lost my hope for admission. Just send me a rejection at 9am Monday, please. Help me end my ordeal. 


    Second, it seems that, according to this thread, those got accepted so far applied by the second deadline. So I have two speculations.


    Especulación Uno : Very very few people were accepted at the first deadline. 


    Por qué? :  According to the OFFICIAL sources, 30 people were admitted at the first round. So by very simple mathematics this round 30 luck stars would receive admission between 1-15 March. (Of course, I believe they would give out more than 60 offers as some students would reject their offers) . But after the first deadline, no admitted condidate presented himself in this thread. However, now more than 3 MDev admitted students shared their good news here. So I think there were admissions during the first round but only very few . 


    Especulación Dos : I am not very optimistic with my situation. Having read the acceptance letter, I recalled our postponment letter which said The postponement of decisions allows the Institute to optimise the admission process and admit with certainty the right number of students whose profile is best suited to our requirements of excellence.. It implied that we are not excellent enough. I hate to say it though.  As at this stage, according to my very limited information, it seems that no postponed student has gotten an offer so far. It might not be a good sign. 


    Anyway. GOOD LUCK

    I wouldn't get too discouraged. They could have rejected the application the first time around instead of postponed it, so they must have liked something! I also think they have a habit of postponing applications because I saw last year that individuals who wrote on their FB who got postponed now appear to be attending there. I don't think it means anything. I think they just do that to have the opportunity to grab any students who REALLY stand out that will mutually benefit IHEID by attending to try and persuade them to attend before the deadline to apply elsewhere. If the student can bring good connections to IHEID, then they might be very willing to extend an early offer. (That of course is speculation too). Either way. I just wish next week was over and I knew my fate.

    Also, I have not heard back and I applied for a PhD program. It appears that they are probably pumping out decisions as quickly as they receive them back. Having worked at universities, in my experience it is very likely that applications are either trickling in from committees who decided to accept a student, or they got slammed all at once and are trying to catch up with the new database system. Who knows?! All I know is that hopefully the waiting will be over soon!

  8. God, I really wish they would just tell me.......


    I hope that's not the case...

    Idk why I received my decision so fast. 

    I didn't submitted my application that early (couple days before deadline), and my last name wouldn't have gotten priority alphabetically. 

    Hopefully they randomly selected which emails to send out first... good luck!

    Congrats!! Did they send the scholarship/funding information at the same time?

  9. Happy to help. Plus there has been no like nada activity here as compared to yesterday. Boy my virtual company felt all alone. :(

    I had dreams last night that I woke up in the middle of the night (USA) to read an email on my phone saying I wasn't accepted. Now my mind is playing tricks on me! I can't wait for this to all be over! haha! At any rate, I think I've given up exerting any large quantities of mental energy on this. Now my attitude is "eh...they will let us know....eventually, or maybe never"

  10. I got into the Development Management program! And yourself? It seems like a solid program (plus the global reputation of LSE, as superficial as it is) so even if I don't get into IHEID I still have another great option to choose from so at least there's that.


    I can't imagine having to wait that long, I would've passed out from the anticipation and lack of oxygen by now if I had to wait until April!


    I just really hope IHEID tells us before the weekend.  

  11. Lol this is exactly what happened to me - I saw the "We are happy to..." and I was like "Oh god this is the moment" and then nope, just an email telling us to stop crashing their servers lol


    At this point I'm trying to convince myself that I don't care about IHEID anymore and am fully committed to going to LSE (to stop myself from going crazy over the waiting)..

    haha! I wish I had that option. The one other university I applied to isn't expected to give results until after IHEID. ::sigh:: Guess, I'll be playing the waiting game ALL month...until APRIL! yikes!!

    Is anyone else waiting for PhD results?

  12. I got the result on the online form first, which was followed by three emails indicating the amount of scholarship, further instructions etc.

    Thanks. But I m actually even more confused now. I thought waiting was toughest part but turns out decision making is tougher than waiting.

    Thanks for the info!

    Hmm, sounds like it's time for you to make a pro/con list! Good luck!

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