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Everything posted by enkosi

  1. Not selected for South Africa Fulbright Ful grant
  2. I'm also South Africa - apparently none of the South Africa fulbrihgts have been notified yet - so there is still hope. I have a lab report due in 3 hours I'm trying to finish up. Its so hard to concentrate.....
  3. agreed, I want to know if we can hope to hear this week, or if I should put my misery out of the way for another week and concentrate on school since I have final exams next week! I have several graduation related events and ceremonies, and at each one when they ask what I'll be doing after graduation, I don't know what to say...its either grad school, or Fulbright - hopefully Fulbright! I emailed Jermaine recently, so I do not feel comfortable bugging him again. I'd appreciate any updates though. I realize that it is out of Jermaine's hands at this point, and I really appreciate his patience with us. However, even if it is out of Jermaine's hands, maybe he can at least tell us whether or not we can expect to hear this week.
  4. I had emailed Jermaine a few days ago asking for a general time frame we could expect to hear back. I got a reply this morning - I hope to be able to notify you and the other recommended candidates for Sub-Saharan Africa no later than the end of the month, but am still waiting on the final budgetary approval needed to do so. Many thanks for your patience so far(!) Regards, Jermaine
  5. I haven't heard anything either. I'm also thinking next week, but hoping it will be this week! SSA notified on the 18th last year (and the 12th the year before) so maybe theres hope?
  6. has anyone heard about Sub Saharan Africa recently?
  7. thanks! good luck to you too
  8. Also, I was unclear in my last post. The graduate school I have been accepted to is in Europe, and they have a partnership with Fulbright to pursue studies there. However, I did not apply for Fulbright to study there, I applied for Africa.
  9. thanks! I think I will talk to them soon. Just to clarify though, if I get fulbright, I am taking it. I'll just lose my grad school deposit and possibly the chance to be accepted there later on. Thats why I'm unsure if I should tell them now that I am a finalist for Fulbright (and lose potential funding if I don't get Fulbright), or wait until I (hopefully) get the Fulbright and then see if they will let me defer. If the do not let me defer, I will still take the fulbright. Thanks for your insight!
  10. I'm new to this board, but have been following, anxiously hoping for good news. I am a finalist for South Africa. Are they waiting for clearance on all of sub-saharan Africa to notify us? I went ahead and accepted my graduate school offer because I had to by February. I was hoping if I get the Fulbright they would let me defer grad school for a year, do any of you know how likely that is? I got into a grad school that has its own fulbright program (which I didn't apply for). If I get Fulbright I am definitely taking it and going to South Africa, just hoping for the best case scenario so that I would also have a grad school to come back to! Any advice is much appreciated!
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