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Everything posted by geauxtigers

  1. So it's almost been two weeks now since they said 'a week or so'? I would call them, but that's just me. I'm not good at waiting.
  2. Not sure if you still haven't heard back, but I would call them if I were you because I did that with my last school today (heard nothing for 3 months) and she claimed they sent out emails a month ago (did not receive it) and she also said she would send me that email again today (still have not received it). Technical issues happen, I suppose. So that's why you have to stay on their case - especially with these smaller schools. The other schools I applied to (all very big, well-known schools/programs) I had no problems with them. The way I see it, if we took the time to fill out their applications and pay them money - we deserve some kind of communication. Good luck.
  3. I called a week ago and the woman who I spoke with (admissions director's assistant) basically told me to be patient, no real answers. And she's the gatekeeper - can't get past her. I think it helps tremendously if you have a POC or a relationship with a professor, but I unfortunately just don't have either. Fingers crossed still.
  4. Now that 4/20 is over....has anyone heard any decisions about their status at CU Boulder? Was it through email/phone/postal? I applied on Feberuary 15th to the Journalism/Comm Masters program; so far 3 other rejections. CU is seriously my only hope. This will be my third year applying to schools (not CU). My lease runs out at the end of May and I need to know whether I'm packing up and moving to Boulder or finding a new place to live here! I was hopeful for awhile because I didn't get a flat-out NO, but now I'm starting to wonder if they're one of the many schools I've read about on here that you have to pester for an answer. I've emailed and called, can't reach anyone or no one has answers. So frustrating.
  5. I can only assume that we are/were on waiting lists - however, I thought by April 15th/16th I would have heard something. I looked at the results area on here, and people were not informed of decisions in a consistent manner. People were informed via email, postal mail, phone calls, and the portal. So I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking out for. Are other schools the same way? I got all my previous rejections via email. Anyway, at this point, it just seems cruel. Good luck to everyone. Please update if you hear anything.
  6. Glad to see I'm not alone; very frustrating. I applied to my program around mid February, and I have heard nothing from them. I emailed several people a few weeks ago to ask when I could expect decision results, and someone finally replied (a week later) that I basically needed to be patient (no information whatsoever for me). I have already been rejected from 3 other programs, and CU Boulder was my safety, but I'm starting to question if I will even attend if accepted, especially since I will have zero funding and will be paying out of state tuition.
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