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Everything posted by Grimmjow

  1. Hey, thanks a lot for your replies! I saw in the us news rankings that GaTech is slightly higher than UMich, but I've been told that UMich is more selective or that the class size is smaller. I don't know how true that is though, I've been trying to ask UMich grad students about it. Also the QR world rankings place UMich higher than GaTech. I know rankings aren't the be all and end all, and I've been told that I can't go wrong with both these schools. But its just confusing right now. Also by stepping stone to PhD, I didn't mean I would necessarily want it where I did my Masters, I meant that it's a university that has good standing in terms of research so that my application for a PhD would carry weight. I definitely want to work for some time and not go for a PhD straight, and although people told me that Atlanta would be a better place for finding jobs, I heard that all major CS companies regard both unis in high regard, so jobs won't be a problem.... So advice is always helpful. I'll give cookies! Thank you.
  2. Hi, I know this is a repost and I posted this in another board, but I thought it would be appropriate here, especially to get a comparision of the programs in the field that I'm opting for. Sorry for the repost: My field of study would be Intelligent systems / AI. So I have admits from both UMich and Georgia Tech for MS in CS, and I'm not sure which to pick. I don't have funding, so I'm going to try as hard as I can for an RA/TA position. I heard its very difficult but more possible in UMich because of smaller class size, than in GaTech. Being an international student, the fees are exorbitant for me. GaTech has asked me to confirm by the 25th, so I need to figure this out, and I'm really confused. I would rather live in Ann Arbor (I've heard its beautiful but cold), and have also heard that the Atlanta area isn't the safest. However, my parents believe that GTech is higher ranked than UMich, and a better choice to pick. I need more information before I can make an informed decision on this. I've been told both are great schools, whether I want a job or want them as a stepping stone to a PhD, but more concrete Could you guys give me some advice on which to pick? Especially in terms of which uni is better ranked, which is better in my specific field, which has better opportunities for securing an RA/TA'ship.... Any relevant information really would help. Or any information actually. Thanks a lot!
  3. My field of study would be Intelligent systems / AI. So I have admits from both UMich and Georgia Tech for MS in CS, and I'm not sure which to pick. I don't have funding, so I'm going to try as hard as I can for an RA/TA position. I heard its very difficult but more possible in UMich because of smaller class size, than in GaTech. Being an international student, the fees are exorbitant for me. GaTech has asked me to confirm by the 25th, so I need to figure this out, and I'm really confused. I would rather live in Ann Arbor (I've heard its beautiful but cold), and have also heard that the Atlanta area isn't the safest. However, my parents believe that GTech is higher ranked than UMich, and a better choice to pick. I need more information before I can make an informed decision on this. I've been told both are great schools, whether I want a job or want them as a stepping stone to a PhD, but more concrete Could you guys give me some advice on which to pick? Especially in terms of which uni is better ranked, which is better in my specific field, which has better opportunities for securing an RA/TA'ship.... Any relevant information really would help. Or any information actually. Thanks a lot!
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