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  1. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to Dakon in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    For a moment I was thinking maybe I misread and it was actually two pages.

    Maybe the question is in what detail did they pay attention to things such as you sourcing your own work and the that these sourced works were not repeated in your Research Contribution. Who knows!

    But I too am rather curious about how much the Research Contribution would play a role, since given that yours appears to be rather substantial (even for someone already significantly along the way in their PhD) one would think it would merit more. It would seem that, though they obviously play a role, they maybe are more interested in the proposed research project, or that in your committee there was just extreme levels of competition.
  2. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to placebased in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    Received my successful B Category letter in Victoria, BC for 24 months - serious relief.
    I have been working on my PhD for 20 months with a GPA of 4.26/4.33
    12 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, Proceedings
    2 books and monographs
    5 papers in review
    17 presentations, exhibitions, and keynotes
    I have taught and RAd for 5 years in University settings, launched new journals, and founded Canadian Charities

    A little concerned with the apparent lack of clarity for students getting similar scores. As a instructor of assessment, the lack of transparency around this process - at least in the rubric is very old school....

    Good luck to those who are still waiting - and keep fight for those of you who received disappointing letters. I suggest contacting your grad studies department and making your voice and research heard..Obviously they liked your work enough to grade it as an 'A' list.
  3. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to placebased in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    Agreed. My wife and I have had extensive talks about how these grant processes need not shape our identity, validity, and worth as researchers. My supervisor often says: The people working at the leading edge of thought will be the least likely funded!

    BTW - still waiting for the postie in Victoria this morning. Oh the paradoxical nature of it all!
  4. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to Andsowego in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    Where did you find this info about the same year? It's my understanding that this isn't the case (straight from my supervisor's mouth).
  5. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to bedalia in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    I had an MA SSHRC, and my application last year (for first year PhD) didn't even make it out of the university. I also have kids so I had to reconsider whether I could afford to go ahead with a PhD. I got OGS, but ended up declining it because with OGS's limits on additional funding, I would have ended up with the same amount as my program's package anyway, and with the limits on the number of years we can receive govt. funding, I wanted to keep three years available for a CGS or Vanier. Meanwhile, I told my program director about my financial concerns, noting that while the program's funding package is pretty generous, it doesn't go as far when you have dependents. It came up more as an observation in a casual discussion, not as part of negotiation, though I don't think there is harm in raising it as a point of negotiation, if necessary. He came back to me later and offered me a research assistant position in one of his projects (we aren't required to RA or TA as part of our funding package, so I could handle it time-wise). I was also nominated for and won some internal awards, which not only helped financially but improved my application profile. It turned out to be for the best that I didn't get SSHRC in my first year, though time and money were tight - I worked hard to improve my applications, and this year I got Vanier (and CGS, which I will decline) - waaaay better for me and my kids. I wouldn't have been able to accept the full three years had I received SSHRC last year.

    See what your program can do to get you through the first year, consider whether it is in your best interests to accept OGS (depends on your funding package and other options for supporting yourself this year), and work on a kick-ass application for next year (and do apply for Vanier!). It sucks to have to go through the process again, and the uncertainty is brutal. I really feel your pain. Keep your hopes up and don't give up!
  6. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to Compoe in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    For what it's worth, you're not alone in the uncertainty. There's a lot riding on getting funding, and it's completely absurd that people have to wait until June, July, even August to know whether they can afford to go. :/

    Also for what it's worth, there's still no letter for me in Montreal. I've set up a small notification trigger on the mailbox so I'll know if the mail has been delivered. I'll probably call SSHRC later if the letter isn't here after today's delivery.
  7. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to SCY in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    BTW... I am a long time lurker and I wanted to say that I found this forum to be really helpful and made this waiting period (i.e., the past few months) much more tolerable. It is comforting to know that there are others in the same boat.
  8. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to checkeredBlanket in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    seems like many are getting waitlisted...this ma sound like a stupid question, but out of the total nr. of applicants this year (don't remember the exact number ) so lets just say 1900, the 950 get accpted, the rest get outright rejections. So where do the waitlisted ppl fit in..under accepted or rejected..how does this work?
  9. Upvote
    sarahjane reacted to joechip in Doctoral scholarship CRSH/SSHRC 2012   
    I really wish their letters would indicate where you are on the waiting list. It would be nice to have some sense of what the chances are of getting funding.
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