Mr. Blue
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Everything posted by Mr. Blue
I had my UCSD app started, even had a recommendation sent in last week. Just happened to check the website again for audition dates and I just saw that they're no longer taking an MFA Acting class for Fall 2022. Does anyone know what happened?
Has anyone here auditioned for Brown? I'm curious how strict their 2.5 min time limit for 2 monologues is? It's considerably shorter than most other schools that I'm applying to and I really don't want to cut into any of my Shakespeare. Thanks in advance
Curious to see if anyone applied to UK MFA programs? Or considered it. On the whole, they seem shorter and cheaper than US programs.
http://english.moe.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=6777&CtNode=10634&mp=1 Does anyone have any information on this? The program is described but no application form or application deadline is listed. Also, does anyone know of any other Mandarin language scholarships/fellowships, or even places that would allow you to teach English in exchange for Mandarin classes? Any help is appreciated!
Yeah, these are technically the fulbright scholar grants while we are competing for fulbright student grants.
Congrats!/Condolences Come on Taiwan!
Agreed, it sounds like you already know which is the right decision for you.
http://newsletter.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2013/03/11/tuckerfulbright/ this might be a false alarm but looks like at least some Fulbright UK programs is starting to hear...
You're not alone!
From the blogs I've read, there have definitely been Fulbrighters who stayed for an extra six months or year in their host country after their fulbright year doing their own thing. Fulbright probably will not continue to cover your living arrangements and you will probably lose out on your expensed ticket back to the US.
Congrats, our first fulbrighters! I do hope this month-early thing continues for the rest of the countries
Oh, you're right. I totally overlooked "selection". Well I guess nothing is new then, haha.
early news is bad news? uh oh
It's hard to say because ETA programs vary from country to country- different administrations and such. What country did you apply for?
I don't think it will be missed if you remove it. Also Thailand is mislisted under South & Central Asia when it should be East Asia-Pacific.
Recommended - Taiwan ETA! Woohoo three more months of waiting!
Good luck everyone!
I'm guessing it's your school email that got deactivated? find a way to get your .edu email forwarded to your gmail and that should solve all the problems. if you can't do it yourself, you should talk to the ITS department at your school.
Haha same! Such a tease. It was just a survey asking you to rate the application process- I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. Although it does feel weird to rate the application when we are still being rated, you know?
did everyone get that fulbright survey email today?
Hey AmyClare,I put down my study abroad experience and the time I spent in abroad when I was younger. In my comments, I wrote down why I was abroad/what I did abroad (for study abroad, I wrote a little about my program and its selectivity and for my time abroad, I wrote why I was there - e.g. parent's job, elementary education abroad, etc). Btw, I also applied for an ETA in Taiwan. Best of luck to you!
Of course! I'll also re-quote your questions so that future applicants can find this together. 1. You come from an arts background, so why do you want to teach English? 2. So education is important to you, but why Taiwan? Why not Teach for America? 3. Do you have a side project in mind? (Taiwan doesn't emphasize side projects so I excluded that from my essays but I still had an answer prepared) 4. Your recommenders referred to you as a leader. Can you talk about that? I was only asked a couple more questions but I can't recall them at the moment. Most of the Fulbright applicants from my school apply for Full grants, so I wasn't asked many ETA-specific questions as you were kbui. An interviewing tip I would like to add is that since you'll most likely be interviewing in a room with your FPA and multiple Professors, make sure you make eye contact with everyone when you answer your questions, not just the professor who asked them. Some seemed more warmer towards me than others, so I tried to win over the ones who seemed like they needed more convincing.
Thank you kbui! I just had my campus interview and this was very helpful. Good luck!
Any tips on interviewing? Particularly for ETA applicants? My university doesn't allow us to edit our essays after our interview, which is a bummer but what can you do?