Dear Jeffster
Thank you a lot for your pain and time to give an immediate response
Yes I have Passed Linear Algebra and mathematical Analysis.
I dont have high aims of entering into top programs, i plan to apply 2 programs ranking 50 to 70
2 in the range of 70 to 100 and 2 unranked programs.
But I have not come up with a list of universities that i ll be applying. I dont have knowledge on how to select Univ.
I have a score of 313 ( 159Q and 154V). My TOEFL Score is 103 (30reading 22listening 26speaking 25writing)
Yes I have taken Statistics Courses also and a course in Mathematical economics,
I am listing the courses.
1. Statistics
-random Variable and Mathematical Expectations
-probability distributions Binomial and random distribution
-sampling Theory
-Correlation analysis
-Regression Analysis
-Hypothesis testing Z test, t test, F test and analysis of variance, Chi square test, Durbin Watson Test.
I have somewhat a working knowledge of SPSS software,
I used this software to do Multiple regression analysis to study the empirical relationship between Money supply and Price Level in Nepal.
Your reply is highly awaited.
Thank You