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  • Location
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    MA/MS/ PHD Economics

Keshob's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Dear Jeffster Thank you a lot for your pain and time to give an immediate response Yes I have Passed Linear Algebra and mathematical Analysis. I dont have high aims of entering into top programs, i plan to apply 2 programs ranking 50 to 70 2 in the range of 70 to 100 and 2 unranked programs. But I have not come up with a list of universities that i ll be applying. I dont have knowledge on how to select Univ. I have a score of 313 ( 159Q and 154V). My TOEFL Score is 103 (30reading 22listening 26speaking 25writing) Yes I have taken Statistics Courses also and a course in Mathematical economics, I am listing the courses. 1. Statistics -Probabilty -random Variable and Mathematical Expectations -probability distributions Binomial and random distribution -sampling Theory -Estimation -Correlation analysis -Regression Analysis -Hypothesis testing Z test, t test, F test and analysis of variance, Chi square test, Durbin Watson Test. I have somewhat a working knowledge of SPSS software, I used this software to do Multiple regression analysis to study the empirical relationship between Money supply and Price Level in Nepal. Your reply is highly awaited. Thank You Keshob
  2. A question Here: I am an international student and I dont know what is the level of maths courses that needs to be taken for entry into Economics graduate. I have Maths and Eco In my BA The Maths courses taken are: 1. a.IDifferential Calculus - Limit and Continuity - tangent and Normal - Higher order Deriviatives -Mean value theorem -Maxima and Minima -asymptotes - Tracing of Curves -Curvature -Partial Differntiation -Maxima and minima of functions of up to three variables. b.Integral Calculus and differntial Equations -definite Integral -reduction formula -Beta and gamma functions -area of plane regions -Length of plane curves and intrinsic Equations -Volume and surface of solid revolutions -Differential Equations -Equation of first order and the first degree - equation of first order bt not of first degree application of differential equation and innitial value problem - Linear differntial equation of second order. 2. Vector Analysis Topics upto Gradient, Divergent and curl High grades 70% marks in these two Topics 3. Advanced Calculus - Partial Differntial Equations ( Upto second order partial differential Equations) -Diffential Geometry - Vector Integration - Theory of complex variables - Fourier series 9Upto Laplace Transforms) Though I have taken 1.Mathematical Analysis 2.Linear Algebra I have low grades in these topics. Can u please Elaborate whether these Math courses are sufficient for entry into graduate level economics in the US. your reply and sugesstions are highly anticipated. Keshob
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