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  2. For god's sake I'm dying in here! Did anyone hear from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee?
  3. Did anyone hear back from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee? How do I know if I got accepted or rejected? Thanks two times
  4. Thanks guys Now I know some new stuff I am going to be doing in my future applications.
  5. How can I choose a professor of interest? How can I have him be convinced that I am a student who should enter their program? I think I didn't get any acceptance in Fall 2013 because I never had any POI. Please tell me everything you know because I got seven flat-out rejections for Fall 2013. Now I do not want that to happen again in Spring 2014/Fall 2014. Also, If you have some general advice about application to linguistics or applied linguistics PhDs, please give me that advice. Can't wait to read all your responses. The Rejected Thanks
  6. Hey people I just got my fifth flat-out rejection from MSU
  7. Has Michigan State University announced results? Has any one got an acceptance?
  8. I just got my fourth flat-out rejection from UC Boulder
  9. I disrespect those pieces of trash in this case.
  10. I had just had my fourth rejection from UC Boulder. I am not getting any acceptance and Kudos to all those that got an acceptance.
  11. Thanks but I am afraid I will just keep them busier than they are already.
  12. Thanks for replying but why would they invite me to an open house if I am wait- or short-listed? They did not even say we would refund your trip?! Is there anyone here who has been invited to an open house and got rejected? I am desperate.
  13. Hi guys I got an invitation for an open house meeting that is going to be a discussion of the PhD linguistics program for an hour and a half, Is that an acceptance? Or is it just an invitation every applicant gets? Anyways, I got invited by George Mason.
  14. Michigan State U and UC Boulder have not replied to me yet? So, it's not all schools have replied, right? Also I got an invitation for an open house meeting that is going to be a discussion of the PhD linguistics program for an hour and a half, Is that an acceptance?
  15. It seems like my forth flat-out rejection is on its way to my email. Shit happens
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