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    English PhD

kch04003's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. It was one of those situations where we had different values and different expectations for the relationships, so we were fundamentally incompatible. I've heard from others though that grad school is a romantic wasteland (ok, maybe a slight exaggeration). How do you meet people from other departments? More importantly, do you have time to?
  2. I was accepted last year to Carnegie Mellon's Literary and Cultural Studies PhD program straight from undergrad....it can be done! I was an English major with minors in Econ and Polisci, I think my English GPA was around 3.95. I was also in the Honors Program, which helped. The GRE's are such bs. I got an 1140 on the general test, and the subject test in Literature went horribly. I think I got a 560 or something. From my understanding though, the grad admissions committee doesn't put too much emphasis on the subject test....for crying out loud, it's on 1000 years of Western literature! The fact that I did an overseas research project in London the summer of my junior year, and studied abroad in London, definitely made me stand out (my field is 18th century British lit). Also, I knew exactly what faculty I wanted to work with at CMU, and our research interests are practically identical. She's now my advisor, and kicks major ass. Believe me, I understand your anxiety....senior year of college was so stressful. All my friends were out at the bar while I was in the library writing my thesis, applying to grad schools, and generally freaking out. Honestly, I think grad schools are a crapshoot, but I would advise you to apply to programs that fit *your* interests. CMU was the last school I applied to, and I remember I just got a really good vibe from their website and the program itself. If anything, you'll have a better chance of getting accepted to schools where you can envision yourself being. Basically, I didn't do that great on the GRE's and still got into a good program. Focus on your writing sample and your personal statement....these are probably the most important things schools look at, and they are the things you have the most control over. Hope this answers your question, and good luck! You'll be fine
  3. I just broke up with my boyfriend last night, which really sucked. It's my first semester in a doctorate program (and probably the worst time to start a new relationship), I am stressed to the max, and being with him was causing me a lot of anxiety. So it's probably a good thing. However, my question is: how have other grad students managed to have relationships and balance their workload? My ex was not a student, but he had been through grad school himself, which made me think he would be understanding about my schoolwork...it's really hard to meet people that *get it* about grad school. It makes me feel like I'll never find someone who understands that being in a doctorate program takes over your entire life...the work never stops. Also, I am 22 and teaching classes for the first time ever, so I really have a lot on my plate. I want to have it all....good grades, a nice boyfriend, and to be a good teacher. Sorry to ramble on, but I really need some advice from those who have been there....how do you date in grad school? Is dating non-students more trouble than it's worth?
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