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  1. I have an ill parent and am afraid I will have to leave in the middle of the term. Anyone have experience with this?
  2. It is really tricky! Of course you have seen that on the website they state the evaluation criteria of the application as a whole: The potential of the project to advance the field of study in which it is proposed and make an original and significant contribution to knowledge. The quality of the proposal with regard to its methodology, scope, theoretical framework, and grounding in the relevant scholarly literature. The feasibility of the project and the likelihood that the applicant will execute the work within the proposed timeframe. The scholarly record and career trajectory of the applicant. I'm thinking that a good part of #3 is covered by the timeline and the institutional letter, and probably letters of reference, and it looks like #4 can really only be addressed by letters, as they don't give you opportunities to mention this on the application. So I'm focusing on #1 and #2, explaining my project and methodology, and discussing the relationship between my reasearch and existing scholarship. But I'd be happy to hear other thoughts, too!
  3. I'm not sure this will help, but you might browse the wide variety of funding etc. on Mira's List: http://www.miraslist.com/ Good luck!
  4. Thank you so much for that. I'm so glad that I misread the instructions - 2000 characters is a whole different thing. Whew! I'm not seeing where it says timeline for research? They do provide funding for additional research, maybe that's what it refers to? I do see that it says "One-page timeline for the expected completion of dissertation writing and defense." Since you have to provide them with an already-written chapter, they must expect you to have already done the research...
  5. I'm wondering if anyone has insight into the essays involved in this application? There is a 5 page proposal essay in which, according to one of the FAQs, you should "discuss the significance of your project within your field." There is also a separate section in the app itself that asks for "the significance of your project for the humaities and related social sciences" (up to 2000 words). It seems difficult to discuss significance to field and significance to humanities separately...any thoughts about this? I don't want to be redundant but they seem to be asking for overlapping information...
  6. Thank you for that voice of support!!
  7. Thank you all, again, for your time and comments. From what I can now tell by asking other ABDs in my department, everyone is and has been poorly funded. In addition, I was informed that preference for the allocation of departmental funds goes to grads who have not yet reached candidacy. I'm trying to see if there is something that can be done about all of this. I understand that the dean of the college or graduate division can be unaware of the funding issues of a particular department, and if they are made aware, sometimes the department can receive more funding from the university.
  8. Thanks again, I really value all of your thoughts on this. It does sound like this kind of funding cut is unusual. Yes, they are no longer giving me enough funding from the department to cover my tuition and fees, and I am not receiving any stipend. Unlike your school, Eigen, the only way for an ABD to be eligible for reduced fees/tuition is to move out of the state. As per your advice, I will first try to get a better idea about how many other grads have had their funding cut, and also I will contact the Grad Student Ass'n; maybe they can give me an idea about how to proceed. Thank you all again!
  9. Wow, thank you all for the really great information, advice, and opinions. This is really helpful. TakeruK, I apologize for not being more clear about my situation. I was never promised $X for Y years when I entered the program. However, up until now the amount of funding I have received from my department every year has been more or less enough to cover all of my tuition and fees. The impression I got was, therefore, that this was their approach to supporting grad students, and there was never any suggestion that there would be a change in this pattern. Thank you victorydance for that advice. I did apply for internal fellowships which I unfortunately didn't get, and I am planning to apply to some external fellowships (but they are really competitive! Yikes.) And thanks rising_star for the suggestion, echoing TakeruK's thought, that we grads might be able to enlist help to amend this situation. I am absolutely going to look into organizations on campus that might be able to help. I don't actually know the funding situation of all of the grads in my department, and I assume that it is inappropriate to ask them, especially those I barely know...
  10. Thanks for that - nope, no contract. Does this scenario sound unusual to you this far into the degree? It's not like I'm going to quit at this point, so I just have to find work (= slow down progress) or take out loans.
  11. I'm writing my dissertation (humanities), and have just found out that my departmental funding will be very low in the coming academic year with no guarantee of TAships. This is not just me; I believe my department has overextended itself as far as new grad admissions. I would very much like to know how unusual/out of line this is. Anyone with similar experiences? Do you think there is any recourse for this type of situation?
  12. You've probably already moved beyond this, but just a suggestion: It's probably best to avoid a phrase like "the first chapter is an attempt to (draw a picture)" This makes you sound very unsure. Perhaps you'd be better with a phrase such as "the first chapter will (draw a picture)"...
  13. Not recommended. Fingers crossed for the rest of you!
  14. 201 users! Good luck all! 14 minutes?????
  15. This is intriguing. Does this mean that our FPAs have already been notified?
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