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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Orbis, when did you hear back from Stanford? Just noticed your signature...
  2. Has Penn historically notified over a few days?
  3. I'm also hoping for Penn but the fact that people have been wait listed already leaves me with little hope.
  4. I agree with you and I see what you're saying--my apologies for coming off that way. To be clear, I don't mean to invoke it against those who are URM in any shape or form. It was just a frustrated comment in reaction to general hypersensitivity of this forum towards nearly every other comment (exaggeration) posted.
  5. I truly admire your ability to come up with an appropriate response via a YouTube video in just ten minutes. Bravo.
  6. This entire conversation started because of a perceived slight that was, in fact, non-existent. Of course we can take offense to things that aren't necessarily directed towards us. It just seemed to me that asleepawake was insisting on taking personal umbrage because DH's comments were "very thoughtless" with respect to Keely. Again, I'm not debating the necessity for discussing AA. This forum is just way too hypersensitive about people stepping on other people's toes.
  7. I wish I could upvote this. This is great--thank you.
  8. Keely didn't take offense, so why are you taking offense?
  9. I don't think DontHate said anything remotely near "I know why you really got in." I realize that things can be tense on this forum, but let's try not to read into comments too much? And yes, getting or being nominated for a diversity fellowship doesn't take away from any of his/her accomplishments as an applicant.
  10. Can anyone confirm the lone UCLA admit?
  11. Sorry to hear about the rejection. Would you mind sharing the first letter of your last name?
  12. It's a bit odd that only four are posted when there are usually a dozen plus... I guess every year is different though.
  13. Sorry to hear that I checked my UCLA status and nothing has changed. I also didn't receive any email. Would you mind telling me when your email arrived?
  14. There are three UCLA rejections up. Can anyone confirm these?
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