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Everything posted by marzipanned

  1. I don't knooooow. Still too many floating variables...
  2. Waitlisted by Mica Mount Royal. (Or I'm an 'alternate,' as they put it.) Pretty much expected at this point.
  3. Congrats kierstin! Any thoughts on where you'll end up?
  4. Eeee, sorry to hear that. I didn't get any financial info from them yet -- my fafsa's been held up -- but I've heard it can be pretty grim. I know! And their app was the earliest one due for me, too. (January 1st). I definitely can't turn down my other options based on something that may or may not work out.
  5. Thanks, ismewilde! And belated congrats on CMU. It's fun watching things work out for people here. In other news, Goldsmiths advises that we will hear final post-interview decisions "by the end of April." Ugh. Not sure how to deal with that.
  6. Back from the WUSTL open house. Not sure it's the program for me BUT they offered a surprisingly large wad of scholarship money. Hmmmm. Some notes: -Some of the most extensive facilities I've seen, especially for printmaking/book arts. -Big dedicated art library. -Beautiful museum space which hosts the MFA show. -Studios large but lacking doors/curtains. -Program seemed to skew a little young. Maybe a quarter of admits were in the last year of undergrad, and several more were one year out. -Huge park; lots of neighborhoods
  7. I have no idea if we're expected to, but I've sent very brief thank-you emails to my interviewers, and 2/3 sent back brief pleasant replies.
  8. I'm applying to WashU, and for sculpture. By the way, lurkers, I saw another couple WUSTL admits pop up on the results page, but nobody's claimed them in this thread I think. Are you out there? Going to the open house in March? I'll try to post a summary for anyone who can't make it...
  9. I had an interview request from them on Monday. (I'm an international applicant, if that makes a difference.)
  10. I'll second the recommendation for craft schools like Arrowmont. If you apply for work-study or studio assistant positions, you can take a certain number of classes for free. Housing and (most) food included. Look into fellowships & scholarships at the Archie Bray foundation, too.
  11. Looks like the RISD ship has sailed on without me. Ah well. But! Goldsmiths interview, WashU acceptance, both today. Good luck, y'all!
  12. Interesting. I had a sense of this, but didn't realize the difference was quite so dramatic. My other schools are in my signature. Don't know if the curating program is on the same timeline, but I just heard from the MFA program for an interview. Yeah, with Luca. I went in person, so if anyone has any questions about the space I may be able to answer. I'd visited two years ago, but it was so different I didn't recognize it -- all renovated and new and shiny. The students I met on the tour all seemed really happy with the program. 14 pages of notes! Wow. Penn: I just applied to the overall fine arts MFA. I know Mount Royal was interviewing about 45 people for 15 slots, but I forgot to ask for any of that type of information from Penn. You might try calling.
  13. I'm just now back from finishing up interviews no. 2 and 3, and it's pretty interesting how different they've all been. I had expected I'd be repeating myself a lot, but that really hasn't been the case. Mica was generally more about my background and motivations (why grad school, what's your experience with critical theory, what is the biggest challenge you've had to face in your work, or in your life). He took extremely thorough notes. Penn on the other hand was a very very close read of my portfolio and statement -- almost a crit -- with follow-up questions sussing out my ideology. Very focused and specific questions bouncing at me from all directions. I've given up on interpreting whether they went well or not. I'm gunning on a lot of it just coming down to presenting as a receptive, thoughtful, and mature person, rather than having the perfect answer to everything.
  14. This would be me I think. Sorry, I didn't mean to cause alarm. For the record, I did apply a little earlier. (Entirely by accident! Somehow I had it in my notes it was due on the 15th.) A few people told me afterward that in Europe (or UK specifically?) they tend to review submissions on a more rolling basis. Have you visited the school? I'm going to try to check it out in March...Good luck with the interview! I was ridiculously nervous but they were friendly and encouraging.
  15. They did ask me that, though when I asked for an extension they were totally accommodating. And thanks for your thoughts, things_x2.
  16. UC Davis had this line in their rejection letter: "The program to which you applied indicated the following as the reason(s) that you were not selected for admission: Not as competitive as other applicants on the basis of the audition tape or portfolio submitted." ...which *really* would have stung, if I hadn't seen previous threads in this forum where other rejectees quoted the same bit from theirs. (Including one guy who got into Columbia and a whole slew of other places. So...who knows!) I think it must be standard for them.
  17. Thanks, guys! print&draw, do you know when you'll be interviewing? I'm looking into an in-person on the 19th, but still sorting some things out. As for my questionable Glasgow School of Art interview, from a while back...looks like I got in. But they want me to accept or decline the offer within two weeks!! I hope that's negotiable.
  18. MICA Mount Royal interview! Just now, via email.
  19. I got the Penn call, too. Balances out the Davis rejection that came this morning... Don't worry, bathtub! They're doing this by phone, so it may take them a while to get through the list.
  20. Yeah, I got that one last week. Not about interviews. It's a link to a (fairly redundant-seeming) online form that takes about 5 minutes to fill out. I think there's more info they collect there out of dance/theater/music folk but so not much for us.
  21. Just finished my phone interview with Glasgow School of Art. Ooof. Not that they asked anything exceptionally tricky or unusual -- I just alternately freeze up and talk myself into a corner in these sorts of situations. Questions: Pick a piece in your portfolio and tell us what you were thinking about when you made it. Can you expand upon x thing in your statement. Which thinkers/writers/artists influence you. Why this program. (When I mentioned I'd looked at & enjoyed recent student work, they asked if I meant anyone in particular. I couldn't remember specific names.) Any questions for us.
  22. I loved it, overall. Grad students: I don't remember ever straight-up asking any of them how they liked the program, but they seemed generally really engaged, and occasionally crazily impressive. The sculpture department bleeds into film/video/performance/etc a lot. Also a good place to do relational aesthetics or social practice-type projects. Definitely also can do 3D work in other departments -- I did a lot in fiber. This is too late for anyone applying this year, but if anyone in the future is reading this, I'd recommend applying via any and all departments that seem vaguely relevant. I met a guy who was accepted through printmedia, for instance, with an entirely collage-based portfolio (and a sculpture background). Once you're in, you can work however you want. Studios are on the small end, I understand, but a lot of the shared facilities (wood, metal) are enormous. TA positions seemed really low-key and undemanding -- basically just participating in crits and providing some technical help here and there. (Unless there was more going on behind the scenes that I didn't see.) Good to hear all the UCLA love!...buuuut I'm trying not to get too emotionally invested in it, since it seems like such a long shot. :|
  23. Ah! Well, that's good to know.
  24. kafralal: For UCLA I chose sculpture. All I really had to go off of was the bit on the website where ID described itself as being about "site- and debate-specific forms of institutional critique," which doesn't really sound like what I do. Maybe I should have done more research, though. bandito: Hey, good luck to you, too! I actually did my BFA at SAIC, so I might be able to answer questions about the school. I don't know too much about their admissions process, though. But I do remember from scanning last year's freak out forum that all the departments seem to make decisions on totally separate timelines.
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