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Everything posted by gingersnap18

  1. I tried to make a facebook group but I don't really know how to do it...someone should make one though so we can all chat!
  2. I would double check this with Temple, but I emailed them maybe 2 weeks ago asking if I hadn't heard from them yet should I assume I'm on the waitlist. I got a generic email back saying yes, that they sent out acceptances on Feb, 25th and everyone else is on the waitlist and that they don't expect to pull from it. It was not the nicest email. Pleasee double check about your specific status, but that's the response I got, if it helps at all.
  3. Thanks madisonstar, Is tuition only waived for the first year and not the remaining 1.5? Can you only be a GA for the first year?
  4. Thanks maggiebSLP! Are you choosing between Indiana University-Bloomington and BU then? I don't know about Indiana, but BU's program is so expensive. For me, it's just so hard to decide whether to base my decision between BU and Montclair on finances or not. I think I really need to do some more research about Montclair's program first.
  5. I got the email about a graduate assistantship from Montclair too. It's making me seriously re-evaluate Montclair versus my top choice of BU...ahhh
  6. I thought I'd share this info: I emailed the grad admissions office asking when they would be notifying people if they received scholarships and it will be only AFTER April 15th when you commit to the school. I'm not willing to wait that long...I'll be declining my acceptance to NU. Hopefully this helps someone else out!
  7. Does anyone know if Temple is going to be sending out more acceptances...or is it an implied waitlist if we didn't get accepted back on Feb. 25th?
  8. Has anyone received anything in the mail yet? If I didn't know about GradCafe I wouldn't know the date of the Open House...I wonder if we will be receiving stuff in the mail soon
  9. Hi Guys, I went to the actual Apply Yourself application portal and logged in and saw that a decision was made today! Clicking on that link brought me to an acceptance letter! Not sure why it's there...but it is!
  10. Thank you both so much for your advice! I feel much more prepared to start this whole process now. I will definitely figure out my transportation route first and then start browsing online for apartments in April. Since I live 5 hours away, I guess I'll take a few days off work over the summer and see as many apartments as possible in that time frame. Thanks again!
  11. I'm confused about how soon to start looking for housing...If I want to move in on September 1st (which it sounds like the majority of people do), is it common for people to wait until the month before to look for apartments? To find an apartment for undergrad in NJ, the common practice was to figure out your housing in May. I'm just trying to plan out when I should start looking for apartments in Boston. Thanks for any suggestions!
  12. I emailed BU asking about interviews and they said they would be letting people know if they got interviews by February 11th.
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