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Everything posted by kidamnesiac

  1. Thanks for the replies. I have already settled in that I might have to retake the test. Cheers!
  2. I desire to pursue a PhD in Philosophy at a program worth pursuing (read: I need to get a job at some point in the future, or my wife will be an unhappy customer). I have asked this question elsewhere, but it seems to be too banal to answer. Thus...I will rephrase: I have read various posts of people with low AWA scores, yet other more impressive pieces of their resume, explain or justify the scores by marking them as unimportant. I am asking the opposite question: if you have a good (but not great) verbal score (89% to be exact), but a moreso impressive AWA score (5.5/96% to be exact), does the AWA score do anything to reflect your aptitude in verbal comprehension? I got a killer 3rd verbal section, which I'm guessing wasn't my experimental because the earlier sections were so easy as to be suspicious. The 3rd section had me frazzled, as it was the absolute last section for me on the entire test. I, as anyone else, I'm sure, do not want to retake the test, but am prepared to do so if need be. Is an AWA score important enough to bring up a lackluster V score?
  3. I apologize if this topic has been covered, but Googled afforded no hits. I made a 5.5 on the AWA, but an 89% on the V of the GRE. Dare I apply to any Religion or Philosophy PhD programs (worth applying to)? Add. info...I had an UGPA of 3.43 and a GGPA of 3.49 at Duke Divinity School (which actually is a rigorous academic environment...although, I don't know if PhD programs will care).
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