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Everything posted by ahaidaris

  1. thx! congrats to you as well. I will be at the recruitment weekend! Yourself? I got my funding offer from UA which is basically an unfinalized offer. First year covered in full and years 2-4 should be through TAships with the hope (as stated by UA to replace some TAships with fellowships). I will definitely be doing some more emailing to get a better idea of the financial picture before I make any decisions.
  2. I'm deciding between Univ. of Arizona (G&W) and UC San Diego (Communications), both Ph.D.s I can't imagine turning down Univ. of Ariz, that program is stacked with so many faculty whose work I was really interested in during undergrad but gathering as much information as possible without trying to lean heavily in one direction or the other until I look further into UCSD
  3. The Gender & Women's Studies program is it's own thing. I literally applied to 3 Geography M.A.'s, 1 Science and Technology Studies M.A., 1 Feminist Studies Ph.D., 1 Gender & Women's Studies Ph.D., and 1 Communication Studies Ph.D (previous years I've applied to American Studies but not this year).----it's a super weird approach, I know, but it's hard to find departments that do a mix of security/surveillance/science and tech/queer studies/geography and I was happy to go in a number of different directions as long as I'm working with the right people and can emphasize the areas I want.
  4. Accepted to UC San Diego's Ph.D. in Communications! Anyone have any insight on the program here, I've seen basically no chatter about their department on this thread. My background is in Feminist Studies but I focus on security/surveillance/border studies (with obvious feminist/queer direction) which has led me to apply to Geography/Gender/Communication/etc. departments since my focus fits a niche of a specific department and not something as overarching as just Communications, etc. My other admissions acceptance is at Univ. of Arizona's Ph.D. program in Gender & Women's Studies program which has more name recognition for me since my background is in Feminist Studies but would really love to hear anyone's opinion on UCSD's Comm. program/why nobody is talking about it!?! Seems like a great fit for me... (Don't know how to edit my "signature" which is from a previous application season but my "about me" has what would be typically there)
  5. I've applied previously to graduate schools but programs I'm looking at now are: Ph.D. UC Santa Cruz (Feminist Studies), Univ. of Ariz. (G&W), UC Davis (Cultural Studies), UC San Diego (Comm. Studies) M.A. Univ. of Kentucky (Geography), UBC (Geography), Univ. of Toronto (Geography), York Univ. (STS), Queen's Univ. CA (Sociology) Considering Univ. of Georgia (Geography M.A.), Univ. of Minn. (Geography M.A.) My main focus is working in areas of my research which almost inherently lead me to interdisciplinary departments, while I would prefer to explore Geography M.A. programs, I am certainly open to other options. Thanks!
  6. Hi, I was hoping to crowdsource on U.S. based Geography programs located in the U.S., I'm currently applying to Univ. of Kentucky for a Geography M.A. but haven't found any other Geography programs in the States that focus on critical security and surveillance studies. There are a number of Geography programs in Canada and the U.K. that focus really amazingly in these areas but due to admissions restrictions (limited # of U.S. based students can be accepted to a number of international programs) and finances (generally just more expensive for me to go "abroad") these universities are less in reach for M.A. based programs. While I am applying to a number of different departments (Feminist Studies, Communication Studies, Geography, etc.) I have been particularly enticed by Geography departments on an international scale that I wish reflected the kind of work being done in the States. I've looked at a few of the standard Geography departments (Syracuse, Boston, Colorado, etc.) but none of these fit the kind of work I'm seeking. Does anyone have any advice on departments in the U.S. that are in Geography (or elsewhere) that have at least some focus on these areas? Any info is appreciated and good luck during the application season! -Angelo
  7. I applied to four places last year and am expanding my options this year (due to better finances, so I can actually afford apps this time around)---Last year I applied to UCB Rhetoric (rejected), UCD Cultural Studies (rejected), NYU American Studies (interviewed, rejected), U of Minnesota (very high on the wait list but essentially rejected). I'm applying to a few American Studies programs this year: U of Minn again, maybe NYU, USC (Amer. Stud. and Ethnicity), and probably U of Michigan (American Culture) with back-up M.A. American Studies programs at: U of Maryland, U of Austin, George Washington U, WSU I'm also applying to other programs (not dead-set on Amer. Stud. and really just looking at programs that fit my interests) including: York U. (STS), Durham U (Geography), U of Ariz. (Gender & Women's Stud.) This is my preliminary list with a few I may add or take away.
  8. Had my NYU interview today! Honestly, I thought it could have gone better D: The questions were what you would expect and the 15-20 minutes flew by. Overall, if I could change anything it would have been to be more specific, I think my answers were relatively general and that I didn't really get across the points I had wanted to or give a very specific or 'unique' impression of myself. (My hopes had been to prepare more this past weekend but I was beat up pretty badly [no serious injuries though] and most of my time and mental space has been dedicated toward that. Unfortunately I chose to go with the interview and kind of wish I had requested to move it to another date so I could have gathered myself a little better) Also there was no indication of who was being interviewed/if they had chosen certain applicants already/or when we could expect to hear back. It was also so brief that any questions I had for the committee I wasn't able to ask. So I'm afraid I can't give much more insight other than that. As always good luck to everybody!
  9. As we obsessively check the results boards and our emails, I'd be curious to hear what people's specific research interests are outside of (or in addition to) the "queer theory" "critical race studies" "poststructuralism" "Marxism" etc. kind of key words. For me a lot of what I am interested in revolves around most of those key words ^ and specifically looking at U.S. security through very material forms like border walls, cameras, biometrics, etc. as well as expanding ideas of security to both include affect as a more or less security "technique" as well as linking security studies more closely with feminist science studies and how we interpret "the body" in relation to technologies. While my focus on this has been mostly in a post-9/11 context (spec. with airport full-body scanners), I want to move into the 19th/20th century a bit more a look more closely at immigration policy/tactics. [That would be a very broad idea of what I want to study] And good luck again to everybody
  10. Congrats on the acceptances! I''m interviewing with NYU next Tues. and I imagine it means that you're being seriously considered. I've only seen one other 'results post' for NYU and that was an interview as well (you?) so if anyone has been accepted at this point they haven't put it in the results page or this forum.----my UCB Rhetoric status is still listed as "submitted" but crossing my fingers. and no word from UCD...so now I'm just obsessively checking..
  11. Oh two hours would be terrible! No, the interviews are 20 minutes they just gave me two different time slots to choose from, each in two hour blocks.
  12. Yea, I'll keep the forum updated. I was given the option of an interview either Feb.1st or Feb. 12th and chose Feb. 12 for scheduling reasons and haven't heard anything more outside of that--although I imagine it means I'm on the cusp of either being accepted or put on a wait list, since I don't think Amer. Studies programs usually do interviews and haven't seen anything else about NYU Amer. Stud. results. I also emailed folks from U of Minn. who contacted me about my wait-list status and haven't heard from them either (although that was just a few days ago and I'm getting into the obsessive phase of all this )-- Also someone mentioned that they were advised NOT to reach out to faculty...anyone else have thoughts on that b/c I've generally read it's a good thing...yea?
  13. I haven't heard or seen anything either. Keeping my fingers crossed though =D
  14. Hi! I posted the NYU interview. I basically received an email around 5pm (1/29) that said: "The admissions committee has reviewed your application and would like to invite you to a 20-minute Skype interview." "Congratulations" "Thank you for your app" etc. Now that I'm looking at it closer it doesn't say who I will be interviewing with just the "admissions committee" and I received the email from Raechel Bosh who's a grad prog. asst. There are two different time slots for 2 hours each that I have to choose from, not sure if that makes up the bulk of people they would be interviewing or if they have different times for different folks outside of what they listed for me. I'll be emailing a prof. or two of mine just to get some interview tips since I've never gone through this process before, but hoping for the best since I only applied to such a small handful of schools. Hope that helps and best of luck everyone!
  15. thanks! I received an email from the department on Friday (1/18) notifying me that they finished their admissions processes and that I'm "quite high on the waiting list" Otherwise it just stated that the application was strong, however they're facing budget circumstances and are forced to admit "far fewer students than we would like" and that there is a distinct possibility that a spot will open up for me, so I'm definitely staying in contact with them. And logging into the UMinn app page lists "awaiting program decision"---Hope that helps and best of luck everybody.
  16. Univ. of Minnesota wait listed me for the Amer. Studies program, although I am "currently quite high on the waiting list." Anyone have advice on how to proceed with that? A friend told me to basically keep in contact with them/write a letter or two, etc. Is anyone still applying to programs? I only applied to a handful of schools and am applying to Rutgers W&G Studies M.A. program in March if I don't get any acceptances by the due date.
  17. I'm kind of in the opposite boat from the initial post on this thread. I just received my BA and will be applying to mostly PhD programs (some MA) either in Comp. Lit or various interdisciplinary fields. My thesis was about 40 pages (without footnotes) and then I cut it down to about 32 pages to meet the length for some awards I applied to. Most schools I'm applying to have a max. page length of 20 with a couple as high as 25. Either way im cutting out another 7 to 12 pages. Anyone else having to do this? Any advice on how you're going about it, methods? From what I can tell a lot of schools will let you abstract portions of your a longer essay but I've already cut down 8ish pages from the original.
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