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nice female-ish clothing and lab tours


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I've been invited to interview at a few schools for civil engineering. These interviews include tours of labs with big machines where I would assume sturdy footwear is important on the same day as interviews with professors and other people. What kind of shoes are acceptable to wear?

Also, how do people generally dress in civil engineering interviews? I'm female, but tend to feel more comfortable is slightly more masculine leaning clothing. I hate wearing dresses/skirts/high heels. Interviews seem to be around 1-3 days. Are there ways I can mix and match things so I don't need to buy three whole outfits?

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Congrats on the interview invite!  I think as long as you wear comfortable shoes that cover your toes you should be perfectly fine for lab tours.  No need to worry about getting steel-toed shoes or anything like that.  I've been on a couple interview weekends now and most women I've seen, including myself, wore flats, booties, or loafers in black or dark colors.  A couple women wore heels but I would highly recommend against doing that unless you know you can walk in heels all day.  I think anything under the category of "business" is appropriate.  The program/administrative coordinators planning the interview weekends can also give you pointers.

I don't know about civil engineering, since my interviews were in biomedical sciences.  But a lot of women wore a nice blouse, blazer, and slacks or skirt for the interviews.  Some women I saw wore a button up shirt tucked in with nice pants also.  Do not feel like you need to wear a dress/skirt/heels.  For me, one of my interview days I wore a button up, nice dress pants, and a matching color cardigan.  Another I had matching colored blazer and slacks and a nice blouse.  I think if you could get away with a button up and nice trousers one day, and then wear a blazer, blouse, slacks for another day for more interviews, you will be set.  Other options are a button up with a sweater underneath or wearing a cardigan.

Edited by StemCellFan
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