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Columbia wants an answer by February 7th??



A little over a week ago I was accepted to Columbia's chemical engineering M.S. program (yay!!) but they claim to need an answer by February 7th. Does anyone know anything about this? I'd like to wait until I hear back from MIT before confirming enrollment. Would they drop me from the program or is this just to get a faster answer out of me?

"It is extremely important that you complete and submit your admission response to indicate if you accept or decline our offer of admission. In order to finalize your student status and to hold your place in the Fall 2018 class, the Office of Graduate Student Affairs must receive your response and $2500 non-refundable tuition deposit by 11:59 p.m. EST on Wednesday, February 7, 2018."

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7 answers to this question

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6 minutes ago, engineergirl said:

I wasn't offered financial support, so does that mean they don't have to adhere to the resolution you linked to? Very few M.S. programs give financial aid to their students though. 

Correct. The April 15th deadline only applies to offers of funding. It protects funding so students aren't pressured to accept an offer from the members who are on the list prior to April 15.

You can ask for an extension but Columbia University wouldn't be required to give you one.

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17 minutes ago, engineergirl said:

Other than losing the $2500 deposit, would there be anything preventing me from switching to MIT if I was admitted after accepting Columbia's offer?

I don't think there would be. The April 15th deadline for funding is binding under the fact that you would be required to obtain written permission after that date to withdraw and enroll elsewhere. I don't think it would apply to unfunded offers. (Paying the deposit though and withdrawing may or may not be bad form though.)

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I don't think it's bad form to accept then withdraw from an unfunded offer. The school doesn't really lose anything and they should be prepared to risk losing some people in this way if they ask for a commit by Feb 7. And especially if it's an unfunded offer with a large deposit. I think forfeiting your deposit means you're all square with that school. If a school requires a deposit to protect itself from cancellations, then it doesn't get to be upset that people cancelled since they have already taken action to protect themselves. (in my opinion)

But before you do that, ask for an extension first!

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I just received an interview call from Columbia and I dont know why they are doing like this....this is not a job offer. By the way, could you provide me any information about your interview? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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