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Is it better to have no hope?


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 OK maybe I am just being overly reactive but  i’m starting to wonder if not having hope is the best way to get through this time period.  I must check my email at least 50 times today in hopes of hearing something early ( The program for which I’m applying said I’d get an answer by the first week of March).  I did get an interview  but I don’t know how  competitive Lock Haven University or  clinical mental health counseling program is  compared to  comparable programs and schools.  Main thing is I’m worried about my GPA which a 3.2,  I could not find any information on admissions stats for graduate students. Would be grateful for any information or thoughts anyone could share.



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I'm applying to completely different programs but I've kind of tried to adopt the no hope method. That being said, that's kind of how I live my life in general - expect the worst, but hope for the best. I don't think it will get rid of the disappointment or sadness if things don't go the way we want, but it does kind of help me get through the day to day of waiting (except for the fact that it's still kind of unbearable). 

I can't really speak to your GPA, but I do wish you the best!! Good luck!

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