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Quitting your job... When are you going to do it?


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Ok, so I gave notice at work today. I was really nervous to do it. I work for the government so they will not be able to let me go early.... Some jobs will just give you the heave ho when you give notice. I gave them a month notice because they already knew I was leaving and they wanted to start searching for the new person. They should have no trouble replacing me. Anyways, I'm hoping to hear from Berkeley next week and then I will be able to relax. I say relax, because right now I only have one admission from WUSTL, and they are very expensive and very far away. Which means I would need to uproot my family across the country. When I hear from Berkeley I will relax knowing that I have an option that will only be moving 40 minutes drive away.

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If I get admitted, my graduate school orientation starts on August 11. I plan to quit on June 1st, so I have some time for a little holiday and also to review the literature and get ready for grad school.

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IF I get admitted this year, I would probably give my work a month's notice so they can find my replacement. I work for a non profit and actually our grant is up in June and if we don't get the grant this year, that means I'll get laid off and then i won't have to worry about quitting :). But again IF i get in, I would quit probably july 1st since most of school starts in late aug. I would need time to prepare moving and have a little vacation before I commit myself for the next two years.

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I work for an airlines that's pretty strict about everything. I'm concerned that if I give notice too early, it'll make for bad work climate. I'm thinking...2 weeks before I plan to leave for school? I don't really know.

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