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SLP vs AuD


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I'm a junior CSD student so I have the option to pursue an AuD or MS/MA in speech path. I really like both, I have observed both, and find pros and cons of each. I think my biggest con of getting the AuD is the extra time in school and still getting almost the same salary as an SLP. My biggest con of SLP is how short term therapy can be so I feel like I don't build long-term relationships with clients. If you were on the fence about which to pursue please tell me what you picked and why! 

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I picked audiology and honestly wasn’t 100% confident that I did end up making the choice was right until I got accepted to every program I applied to. Then I knew that was a for sure sign I was meant to be an audiologist. I was very much on the fence and I think a large proponent to that is at my university we focus HEAVILY on SLP. I am the only future audiologist out of my cohort of 20 students. 

I think a big thing to think about is what do you think you want to do in both fields. Cochlear implants interest me a lot along with educational audiology. So these were big things that helped me with my decision. I also enjoy the idea of learning about vestibular function and that possibility as well. As I done deeper into my undergrad courses I realized I could not be an SLP and i knew I made the right choice for audiology. 

I also think a difference between the two fields is how your brain works. I think audiology does have the problem solving aspect and individuals are more analytical and technical. This is definitely a difference I’ve noticed between my classmates and myself. 

If you have any questions feel free to message me. I was in your spot 1 year ago but I am so happy with the decision I made!

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To give you some further insight, I'd rule out the length of schooling factor. From what I know, SLP programs are usually 1.5 years on campus leading to graduation. Following graduation, you complete a CFY (9 months at minimum I believe, but I am not sure). So combining the schooling + CFY year, its looking to be 2.5 years total. Even though graduation comes before CFY year, you are still supervised by licensed SLPs during CFY year. 

For AuD, it's 3 years on campus + externship year = graduate in 4 years. HOWEVER, there are actually several AuD programs that are accelerated resulting in 3 years total (on campus + externship year). Those programs include, but are not limited to, Northwestern (Chicago), Pacific University (Oregon), and Indiana University in (Bloomington, IN). 

Just something to consider. Best of luck!

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  • 8 months later...

I'm a second year AuD student at Ohio University, and my perspective is that audiology is more than hearing, it definitely also involves balance testing, measuring brainwaves on folks who can't talk to you, and other stuff. If you're into that, hearing aids, etc. you might give an AuD a try. It's a big time and money commitment if you're not passionate about it-I have no regrets and love what I do, but your mileage may vary.

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