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American U MPA/MPP

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I applied to the American University MPA program a few months ago, I am happy to report, I received notice that I've been admitted to the program, and I'm pretty excited about it. However, I seem to have a small problem. AU is the only school I applied to that makes a distinction between an MPA and an MPP. When I applied, I looked into each program, and the MPA sounded like what I wanted. However, in the intervening time, after more talking to other professors, and going to a couple other open houses, I'm starting to feel like policy analysis is more what I should get into rather than managing public organizations. Bad research on my part, clearly, however I now am wondering what to do regarding American.

Should I try and get in touch with someone and explain my thoughts or is that just going to make them lose faith in my ability to know what I am going for? As I said, the other programs don't distinguish, and have the flexibility to change interest within the degree program, so with this hard distinction I'm just trying to figure out the appropriate course of action (if any...I would understand if it just means I applied to the wrong program and am out of luck.) Any suggestions, or someone more familiar with AU that can offer insight?

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I'm pretty sure I remember when I met with someone from admissions last summer they told me that students are free to change from the MPA to the MPP program or vice versa. I'm not sure if you can do it immediately after you enroll, or if you have to wait a semester or something, but I'm almost positive it can be done. I would recommend calling the school and asking the question. It's not like they can rescind your offer now anyway. If you're nervous, just don't give your name and say that you're just a curious student.

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