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Teaching Positions for Th.M.


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I am thinking about future teaching opportunities after completing a Th.M. My first intention is to use Th.M. studies as preparation for a Ph.D. However,if I am not accepted into a suitable Ph.D. program or decide to not apply, where would I be able to be employed as a Bible teacher in North America? Does anyone know of online listings? I checked SBL, but only found openings for candidates having a Ph.D. Is there another organization for Bible teachers in secondary education? Thank you!

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Th.M. should be good enough to adjunct at a community college, provided your school was accredited by ATS, etc. Beyond that, ThM employment prospects will be minimal at best. not to say they're out there, but you'll be competing with ABD's and PhD's. Why would a school hire a "lowly ThM"? (I say this as a "lowly ThM" myself ;) )

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I believe most secondary education job openings in religion are in schools with a specific denominational affiliation--so you might try the web sites of specific denominations (I know that the Episcopal Church's website has a link to a page with postings for chaplains and teachers of religion). Also check the National Association of Independent Schools website--they have a section for religion teaching positions. You will likely be more employable if you can demonstrate coursework in comparative religions rather than just in Bible. There aren't typically that many positions open, but it's certainly not hopeless, and a master's degree (especially if you can garner teaching or TAing experience) should put you in an okay position.

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