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College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.


It is undisputed truth that an individual will enjoy doing what he likes. Therefore,college students should be encouraged to peruse subjects they are interested in. I agree with the motion stated above. 


Many would agree that a passion driven career will be more satisfying and fruitful as compared to a career in which a student is least interested. An individual will reach the epitome of success only if he adores the work he does. A perfect example for this would be an established singer like Selina Gomez.She has many has record breaking hits. She has also won many accolades in her career. If she would have decided to give up on her dreams and try to concentrate on job yielding subjects, to become a software developer, she might have failed miserably.  She would not be an eminent software developer like Mark Zukkerberg and vise-e-versa. Nonetheless, she stuck to her guns and became singing sensation therefore, she has a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. It’s correct to infer that If college students peruse subjects that they are interested in, they will be more likely to success in their field of interest.


Highly energised individuals tend to work hard. Thus, someone who is self motivated will need minimal surveillance in his job. This is only possible if the person absolutely loves, what he does. Not only, creativity will bloom in such an environment, but also give a sense of satisfaction to individual’s life. Someone like Elon Musk is absolutely best in his field because he is self motivated and creative in his work space. His recent plan of launching a car in space has bend the rules of space invasion. Nobody ever thought this was possible! Thus it is imperative to note that Elon Musk obviously enjoys what he does. Similarly, if college students are encouraged to study the subjects of their interest they would be highly passionate and self motivated towards the subject and therefore, will perform better.


Although, it may be true that if college students study job centric subjects they will have jobs immediately after they graduate and therefore they will have to face less struggle for job search. It will definitely help students in short run. But a long term effect will be frustration emerging because they will feel stuck at a job they are not interested in.


In conclusion, our society needs pioneers in almost every field. So it’s very crucial to encourage the future pioneers to make correct choice. They should choose the subjects they are interested in rather than entering a rat race for a job.

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