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Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain 

In the capitalist era there has been a growing in the inequalities among populations of western nations. The pareto rule of wealth people being wealthier and the poorest being poorer through the time has put on the table the discussion about reinvestment of public budget in order to develop more equality societies. However, there is a lack of information in taking decisions for cutting budget in cultural areas, instead of, developing sustainable strategies for promote economical and cultural development. In that reason, is that I consider that governments should not suspend funding of cultural purposes in order to give money to hungry and unemployed citizens.

There is no guarantee of taking the money dedicated to funding for the arts will solve the problem of hungry or unemployed citizens. The nations that have problems regarding to hungry citizens or unemployed tend to have different social problems that reinforce the inequality problems. Therefore, taking money of funding for the arts won’t solve the social, health and economic disparities. Moreover, nations tend to assign a few percentage of its budget for cultural purposes, then, the amount of saved money won’t be enough for solving the problem.

The government should consider its entire budget for controlling the investment in the different aspects that could develop its population safety. For appropriate purposes the government should plan an entire budget in which it considers the entire amount of money received and spent. After considering the entire scope of its economy, the government should produce and entire model of cost-benefits in reason to reinvest in the optimal way for minimizing its costs and maximizing the citizens benefits. For that reason, taking money of the arts funding without considering an appropriate methodology of reinvestment will be irresponsible.

Instead of suspend funding for the arts, the government should plan a program that could promote appropriate and dynamic employs for helping hungry and unemployed people. Considering the methodological approach for the reinvestment the arts funding, the government should consider purpose program that won’t affect the arts workers meanwhile it will promote reduce the unemployment rates. In that way, a reinforcement cycle in which the unemployment citizens will be less, the amount of money that the last earn will be more and their families will have better life conditions could control the health and social disparities.

In conclusion it is necessary that nations consider all the variables before suspend funding of cultural purposes, and with complex arguments the government could take assert decisions and make policies in reason to reduce hungry and unemployed citizens rates.


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