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I was surprised to see USC had no thread. I recently got accepted into their Masters Program in Petroleum Engineering. Any fellow PE's enrolling there this Fall'10 ?

I was looking at the Housing option at USC...quite overwhelming i must say. They has so many options, so i was wondering if any one has any thoughts on good apartments for Graduate students.

I would prefer to live on campus initially (a-tleast for the 1st semester/year), until i get adjusted.

So hope to hear from you all. Go Trojans!

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Hi there,

I attended USC for undergrad and I've lived both on and off campus. Usually grad students live off-campus, primarily because the priority for on-campus was given to undergrads. However, they're building a brand new housing building called Gateway that's opening up this fall (http://www.livegw.com/) and it's really big and nice. I'm not sure what the policy is for grad students, though.

Off-campus housing isn't hard to find, though. There's pockets of little apartment complexes surrounding USC that's within walking/biking distance, especially around the 30th St. area. Some I'd recommend from having visited/friends' experience are City Park (I lived here), The Pad, Corsica (near the Shrine), and a whole bunch of apartments along Ellendale St. If you're willing to spend a bit more money, you can look into Tuscany. If you're looking more towards downtown, Medici's great too. There's a ton of options so no need to worry :)

Good luck and fight on!

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