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DC or abroad?


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I was recently accepted to a Middle East Studies MA program at GW, and for some reason it has really put me off of my game. I was originally planning on attending the American University of Beirut, thinking that a degree from a Middle Eastern country would carry a bit more legitimacy, but now I am second guessing this decision. GW has better faculty and an overall stronger program, but without funding it is double the cost of AUB. I'm not planning on a Ph.D, so school reputation might not even matter as much as I am imagining. Is it worth the extra cost to be in DC at a better school, or am I better off fleeing the country? Any and all advice is appreciated!

Edited by fleetfox
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Man, DC and Beiruit, both awesome cities. A lucky dilemma for you! Well done. For this issue, I think it REALLY depends on what program you're doing and, more importantly, what you intend to do with your degree.

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Actually I have a very similar dilemma because I got accepted to GW for International Trade and Investment Policy when I had already figured I wouldn't get in and then "reset" my heart on University of Zurich and Humboldt in the German speaking world (which are free and where I really want to end up working in the end).

I just don't know what to tell you.. I think if you have no international experience then it would probably be in your benefit to go to AUB, but maybe that is just because I LOVED my international education so much. But I also just in general have problems telling someone to incur 90,000 dollars in debt when there are other good options, even if that 90,000 is a good investment. I think it just depends on the life you want in the end. I mean check the graduation statistics to see how much a person is making in the field you want after you graduate from both schools (GWU has really nice itemized information about the program and even if you want to work in private, public, or non profit sector) see if you will be able to pay it off. Also think about if you want a more American focused life (like studying the Middle East in the context of an American company or the american government) or if you want a more Middle Eastern focused life (actually living in the Middle East and working for a Middle Eastern company). I am sure you can do both with both degrees but if you want to work for the US gov you are going to have an easier time going to GW...

I don't know how much this all helps... but as I am facing a similar dilemma this is the way I am thinking about it...

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