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Physics major applying to electrical engineering. Got two offer letters.

    1) UPenn ESE PhD:

  1. Advisor assigned. This advisor is talented but young, there are only two phd students in his lab (although there are lots of masters and undergraduates).
  2. Research interest is 2D materials and device physics, which I have done for 2 years. I am afraid that I need to take lots of physics courses because of need.
  3. Reputation. UPenn is a prestigious school and is part of Ivy League, I guess its reputation is way better than gatech. Please point it out if I am being wrong.
  4. However, UPenn's engineering ranking is not as good as gatech.

    2) Gatech ECE PhD

  1. Advisor NOT assigned. I can choose from 100 professors.
  2. It is general admission so I can study whatever I like. I am excited to try some computational research instead of experimental research (I have done it for 2 years). I can study robotic, control theory, complex network.. In short, whatever I like. I can take math courses and computer science courses.
  3. However, I do not know the reputation of gatech. I assume it is not bad in engineering but is it as good as UPenn? or better?
  4. Very good ranking in engineering and robotic.

I have to decide in two days.. It is really a dilemma to me..


My background isn't in Electrical Engineering, but I graduated from GT.

Based on my experience, GT has very rigorous programs and there is A TON of support and resources in place for students to be successful. I really valued the opportunities that came from just being a GT student. Also, the fact that GT is in Atlanta helps when making connections outside of the school. Idk if this helps you decide, but honestly I don't think there's a wrong decision here.

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