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Baylor Acceptances

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone heard back from Baylor yet? It was really hard to get any sort of response from them leading up to April 15, but when I tried emailing them, on April 15 they said they couldnt give me a decision yet and that i’d hear back from them by April 16... and I still haven’t heard from them. I’ve already committed to another school, but it’d just be nice to get a definite answer. Anyone else in a similar boat?

Edited by Blossom19
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: after multiple emails and attempted calls, i found out that they’re still reviewing applications due to some system errors. They hope to send out the rest of the responses by the end of this week, though it’s not guaranteed

It was nice to finally hear why there’s been a major delay, but i feel bad for people who were really hoping to go there since Baylor never kept applicants in the loop as to what was going on /:

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