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Accepting or waiting


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Hi, I need a little bit of advice here.

I have a really good offer on the table from a good program. Tuition waiver, 15k/year, summer fellowship and possibility of teaching summer courses in my home country. I went on a campus visit and liked it very much. The professors are very nice, the atmosphere in the department seems very good and there are a couple of professors that seem a really good fit for me. They also have a program in Second Language Studies which is one of my intended areas of specialization.

However, I'm still waiting to hear from three other schools. I know I won't go to two of them, even if they accept me. But I have doubts about the other one I'm waiting for.

The department itself is not as good a fit for me as the other one, and I would have to take two courses in Literature, which (no offense here for the people in Literature) I don't really want to do, unless necessary. However, I would be able to take courses in the department of Linguistics, which is one of the strongest ones in the country.

One little problem with this other school is that I sent them an e-mail last week asking about my status and they told me that early in February they had sent me an e-mail (which I never saw) telling me that they hadn't received my sample paper (really?) and that, therefore, my application was not complete. I sent it to them, but now I don't know whether I'm still in the game for that school.

What do you think? Should I accept the offer I already have on the table or should I wait to hear from his other school just in case? Thank you!!!

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Two points to consider:

It sounds like the school you do have an offer from is a very good option. The fit is obviously very important. From your description, the only thing the second school has going for it is the reputation of the linguistics department, where you'd take some courses. Wouldn't you belong to a linguistics department at either institution? If not, then the courses (which are not the focus of a graduate program in any case) are probably not a very important thing.

Contact the second school and ask!

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Being able to take courses in a department won;t help your career much. Sure, you might gain some knowledge and wisdom, but in terms of applications to PhD programs down the road or resume builders, what matters is the department where your degree comes from. I agree with the previous poster, the courses don;t matter too much. Oh, one exception, though, if you could take courses from a superstar prof in linguistics and impress him or her and get glowing letters for your next round of aplications, then it might be a consideration. Otherwise, I'd go with your current offer and sleep.

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Thank you very much for your advice. I contacted the school and my application is still being considered. Apparently they will make a decision this week, but I think I'll take the offer I already have unless they give me a super-TAship.

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