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Brand name vs quality of life


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So this is probably going to be THE most difficult decision I will make in my life so far..and I'm going start my Ph.D in policy this fall and need some help on decision..

1. Well known school, flexible program, advisor has pretty good reputation among students, TA , located in small town, not sure if I really like the research focus of the program

2. School in CA, well structured program with good placement, fellowship, faculty research matches my interests pretty well, love CA.

I thought about this too much and still have no clue. I've talked to professors and they said it's a tough call but some ppl told me having a brand name may be a great advantage ..I will visit school 1 next week and hopefully that'll help my decision (wont visit school 2, as I grew up around there). I know both options are great and either way I'll regret something about not going to the other school. But I need to make a decision after all..

any advice would be helpful! Thanks a lot!!:)

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It really is a tough decision. I would wait until after the campus visit to make it. I went on a campus visit for one of the programs that accepted me and it was worth it. I met some students and some of the professors and I could see the atmosphere in the department, which I consider very important.

On the other hand, it seems that California is a better fit for you and you already know the professor you would be working with.

I know a brand name can be a decisive factor in your decision, job-wise, but I talked to one professor yesterday and he told me that, although it is something to take into consideration, when looking for jobs what really matters is your dissertation/research.

But, as I said, it's a tough decision and only you can make it.

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It is my understanding that school name/"brand name" is mostly useful for placement, right? But you specifically said that school #2 has good placement, despite not being a brand name (outside the field, at least--within public policy, it may very well be). So then presumably it would come down more to TA versus RA. Are you intending to teach afterwards? If so, I would probably lean towards the school that offered a TAship; otherwise, you really can't beat work-less fellowship years!

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Thanks for your comments! I want to teach afterwards, so I asked the professor I'm working as a RA for and she told me that unless I want to get a position at a liberal arts college, doing TA doesn't necessary help you that much..I think it'd be a very interesting experience to have but just concerned that it might take up a lot of my time to do my own stuff. I'm also trying hard not to think much about the money factor, but it's not easy..I really hope the visit will make my decision a lot easier as the deadline is coming up quickly!

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