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[CompBiol] Cornell vs. Cold Spring Harbor


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So I've received the offer from Cornell and Cold Spring Harbor, and I'm mostly interested in the computational biology field. I'm really having a hard decision among these two programs. I feel like that Ithaca is a bit too isolated, but Cornell is always a good place to have on your resume. For cold spring harbor, considering all the conferences happening there, there should be more opportunity?

Any advice?


Edited by amber_t
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Cold Spring Harbor for sure has lots of conferences in the summer, but I doubt there's much going on in the winter; Cornell will give you the opportunity bonuses of being an actual college campus and not just a set of labs (which I would classify as being of greater value, but that's a personal preference).

 I would worry less about resume-building and more about which is a better fit for you research-wise: which profs were you most excited about working with, which programs seemed to have the best resources for comp bio, which group of students seemed more enthusiastic about the work they were doing?

Out of curiosity, which program would you attend at Cornell? I interviewed with GGD and really liked the program there.

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4 hours ago, DevoLevo said:

Cold Spring Harbor for sure has lots of conferences in the summer, but I doubt there's much going on in the winter; Cornell will give you the opportunity bonuses of being an actual college campus and not just a set of labs (which I would classify as being of greater value, but that's a personal preference).

 I would worry less about resume-building and more about which is a better fit for you research-wise: which profs were you most excited about working with, which programs seemed to have the best resources for comp bio, which group of students seemed more enthusiastic about the work they were doing?

Out of curiosity, which program would you attend at Cornell? I interviewed with GGD and really liked the program there.

Thanks for the advice! I'm with their Computational Biology program. 

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