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Need urgent advice and guidance.


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Need advice.

Current stats:
GRE-315 (Going to retake in 2 months, aiming 320+)
TOEFL: 114
Graduating in a month (May, 2019)
Overall % till now: 82%
Preference for Course: MS in CS

1 publication in IEEE Conference (BVICAM)
1 academic internship in NUS (Got grade A and did a minor project in ML)
Two month research trainee at DRDO(did survey on night image enhancement techniques and object detection using deep learning techniques)
Major project in Deep Learning 
2-3 small projects in the field of interest 

I got a job with profile of a software engineer in a known company. I am aiming for Fall 2020. Right now, the profile looks average considering I am aiming for Top 20 US universities. I have a few questions-

1) Should I join the company (will have to relocate) and do some research project side by side and try for a publication?
2) Should I consider not joining the company and look for an RAship in some institute instead for the next one year and apply in Nov-Dec'19 for Fall'20?
3) One of my recommenders left his job as a professor last month and joined administrative services. Will it affect in anyway considering he won't be a professor during the time I'll apply?
4) Should I rather gain experience and apply for Fall'21 for a better admit( Want to for Fall'20 personally)

Can someone please provide with some perspective and give suggestions. Any tips for profile improvement will be highly helpful. Thanks!

Edited by som27
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