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I am so lost on what to do.

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I am in Canada, these are my offers, and my considerations:

Accepted to:

  • Carleton University, PhD in Sociology - offered 92k over 4 years -Tuition is about 8k
  • Trent Univeristy, PhD in Indigenous Studies - offered 82k over 4 years - Tuition about 8k
  • University of Manitoba, PhD in Native Studies - offered 0 - Tuition about 8k
  • Bora Laskin Faculty of Law (Lakehead) - offered 5k entrance Bursary - Tuition is 20k

Undergraduate degree from Trent University in Indigenous Studies, Masters from Lakehead in Social Justice Studies - I also have a 2 year College Diploma in Aboriginal Advocacy


  • I am currently living in Thunder Bay. My husband works here making about 35/k per year. Moving would mean he would have to hopefully find a new job. Part of the concern is even with funding, potentially losing out on his income if he cant find a new job 
  • Manitoba is my preferred school as I could live there for one year - rent a room while husband stays behind - and do the rest from a distance
  • Carleton has a 2 year residency requirement but the funding package is the best
  • Trent has a 2 year residency requirement with a decent funding package and it is where I did my undergrad so I have networks there
  • All of my family is in Thunder Bay i.e. parents, siblings, nephews, nieces and this is where the law school I was accepted to attend is located
  • I have a cheap place here that I like, rent in Winnipeg and Peterborough not much different than Thunder Bay, Ottawa a lot more pricey
  • I am a status Indian who has received sponsorship for my post-secondary education - however there is a max of 4k per semester for tuition - it would cover all schools but Lakehead. I would be about 7k/ short tuition and have to get OSAP, next year I would be about 13k short if I did not get any bursaries
  • Waitlisted on my SSHRC with a 12/20 - would hate to attend law and miraculously enough to turn it down I am offered it and am not in Doctoral studies
  • I would much prefer to be a professor than a laywer, but all the feedback I have received is becoming a lawyer would be a lot less precarious
  • I have worked at a legal office in admin for last several years and do enjoy law - just not as much as teaching

I have until June 1st to make a final decision and I am no where closer to a decision than I was in January. What are your takes on what I should do?

Edited by NavIndWmn
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