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Hey! So I'm applying for Physics PhD programs. I'm currently a senior majoring in math & physics. Looking at competitive places (Harvard, MIT, Columbia, etc.)

* GPA: 3.78 Overall, 3.72 in my major, 4.0 in my junior year overall
* GRE: 163V/165Q/5.0AWA. Got a 780 on my physics GRE, which is my biggest worry ?
* School: An Ivy
* Years and quality of research experience: I've spent four and some years doing research. This includes research I did at a uni during sophomore year of high school, the summer between HS and college, every subsequent summer after, and research during the semester as well. I have 2 publications, one in the works, and several conference presentations, with several more in the works for this year. I've dipped my hands in a lot of hardware and software work, so I hope my background in different types of work makes me competitive. IDK how much this counts for, but all this work was done at Ivy+ places and national labs.
* Work experience: I spent a year grading psets as an official grader for a math course.
* Underrepresented status: Middle-eastern, first-gen, low-income, male
* Interests: Very interested in low-energy particle and nuclear physics. The work I want to do bridges between AMO and traditional particle and nuclear physics.
* Awards: Won some prestigious scholarships for being low-income, took classes in high school at an Ivy through a selective program, won some fellowships that have supported my work and that are specifically aimed at underrepresented students.
* Misc: Also president of the physics club at my school and have done a lot of work on that which I plan to mention in my diversity statements. Also planning to give a big talk at my high school soon to discuss physics and possible future careers in the field. Applying to about 5 fellowships, and I've mentioned this on my apps where I've been asked to. I also attended a winter school this past year that is relevant to my field of study.
* LoRs quality: Strong letters, all 3 are from my previous research mentors. Two are really big names in particle and nuclear, one is well-known in AMO. When possible, I try to submit a fourth from my current research advisor. Advisors are all from well-known institutions (all Ivy+ institutions) and some have done their grad/undergrad at Ivy+s as well.
* Posters/Pubs: 2 small publications, 1 in prep on my senior thesis work. Have many poster/oral presentations at my school but also at international/national conferences. I have 4 more at my school this year and possible one national conference in the future.
* Networking: I've been in contact with several faculty at the school, and I've stayed in touch. When possible, I've tried meeting them in person. Also taking a class at my school currently with someone who is pretty famous in the field I want to enter, and I've mentioned this on my apps.
* SOP: Been drafting this for about 5 months now and have showed it to several professors, and I think it's at a good point - it conveys my previous experiences, what I've learned from them, what problems I overcame, how they led me to my current interests, and whom I'd like to work with.

My dream schools are Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, JHU, Duke. Reach is UMD. Matches are BU, Penn State.

I know my app is good, but I'm just really, really worried about my physics GRE score...been eating at me for like the last few months, and I wonder if maybe the rest of my app can't make up for it.

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