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Interview Day Overlap


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6 minutes ago, amazingbutternutsquash said:

I'm really glad you posted this! You gave me hope, lol. Two of my interviews are going to overlap, but I'm not ready to throw out either program if I can help it (I know I won't accept an offer without visiting -- that just seems like a bad idea). 

Also, I had a colleague who applied last year who said certain schools were willing to let her interview on other weekends by herself. Has anyone else heard of this/know of a tactful way of asking about it? I didn't apply to any schools I wasn't sincerely interested in, and ideally I'd like to visit any that give me the opportunity. 

Due to overlaps, I think about half of my interviews are scheduled on alternate dates or have some other modification to the official interview weekend.  I have first replied that I am enthusiastic to interview, specifically saying that I would like to come visit in person, but said that I unfortunately had a conflict/tight travel schedule and would not be able to make the official date/would have to miss some activities. I asked if it was possible to schedule an alternate interview date and expressed understanding and willingness to do a Skype interview if necessary.

All programs offered to have me visit on another date but due to further scheduling problems, I am interviewing for one via Skype anyway.

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