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Mid April & Still No Acceptances


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Hey everyone.. I will graduate in May with Comm Disorders/SLP degree & applied to 7 schools for fall admission. So far, I've recieved bad news from 3/7, and NO news from the reminding 4.

Here is my situation:

Rejected: MGH, CSU Fresno, and CSU East Bay

Still Waiting: UMass Amherst, UT Dallas, SJSU, and U. North TX

My gpa is overall 3.4 and 3.5 in the major. Can someone please offer me any advice/information at all, whether it be encouraging or not so encouraging. I'm new at applying to master's programs, have no idea how it all works, and am really getting nervous that I will not be accepted anywhere I applied.

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Hey everyone.. I will graduate in May with Comm Disorders/SLP degree & applied to 7 schools for fall admission. So far, I've recieved bad news from 3/7, and NO news from the reminding 4.

Here is my situation:

Rejected: MGH, CSU Fresno, and CSU East Bay

Still Waiting: UMass Amherst, UT Dallas, SJSU, and U. North TX

My gpa is overall 3.4 and 3.5 in the major. Can someone please offer me any advice/information at all, whether it be encouraging or not so encouraging. I'm new at applying to master's programs, have no idea how it all works, and am really getting nervous that I will not be accepted anywhere I applied.

Start calling them and ask abotu your status.

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I thought of that but I dont wan't to come across as pushy or demanding of them. I know its a difficult process, I just want to know there is still a good chance I will squeeze in somewhere.

Don't worry. You're not going to sound pushy at all (well, it all depends on how you ask). First of all, they should understand that it's already mid-April and that you want to know your situation, in case you have to think of a plan B. And, secondly, you're not the first one to ask. I asked a couple of universities a few weeks ago. One replied and the other one didn't (although I received a letter of admission four days later).

The worst that can happen is that you get no answer. So go ahead, and call. Good luck!!

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Hey everyone.. I will graduate in May with Comm Disorders/SLP degree & applied to 7 schools for fall admission. So far, I've recieved bad news from 3/7, and NO news from the reminding 4.

Here is my situation:

Rejected: MGH, CSU Fresno, and CSU East Bay

Still Waiting: UMass Amherst, UT Dallas, SJSU, and U. North TX

My gpa is overall 3.4 and 3.5 in the major. Can someone please offer me any advice/information at all, whether it be encouraging or not so encouraging. I'm new at applying to master's programs, have no idea how it all works, and am really getting nervous that I will not be accepted anywhere I applied.

Hey, at least you don't have t worry about deciding before April 15th.

I say call them and ask. Even if you don't get in before April 15th there is still a chance of getting in after it. People decline offers all the time.

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Hey, at least you don't have t worry about deciding before April 15th.

I say call them and ask. Even if you don't get in before April 15th there is still a chance of getting in after it. People decline offers all the time.

This is the truth. I found out from one of my schools that the admissions committee for the department sent word not to send out any rejections as at least half of the offers they made were declined, causing them to do major re-reviews of applications.

I still recommend calling and finding out from the departments though. While this was the case at one school, the case at two others was that my application had been rejected long ago, and they just didn't see fit to send a letter.

Hopefully you wind up with more cases of the former instead of the latter!

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Like the others have said, there's a good chance you'll get off a waitlist from one of those schools you haven't heard back from. It may take a while, though. Worst case scenario is that you don't get into a program this cycle, and work as an SLP assistant till you can apply again with a stronger application. This field has become extremely impacted. But I wouldn't go there yet. Waiting is the hardest part! I'd definitely heed the others' advice and call those schools to get information so you can take steps to plan what you're going to do next.

Also check the other thread, "Calling All SLPs" -- you might find some specific information about the schools you're waiting on from people who have also applied to them.

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