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MS Biostatistics Columbia or UNC


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I got accepted into Columbia and UNC's MS biostatistic programs and I need some help in making my decision!

So, as of right now, I'm not really considering pursuing for a PhD after the master program. But I've heard that getting a PhD in biostatistics really gives you advantages in the job market that you kinda have to have a PhD to get a job that pays well (although this applies to all fields I guess), so if anyone knows about this, please help! 

My main concern is about the schools themselves. For Columbia,  I've heard that the MS program is easy and that they give a lot of admissions for this program every year. Given this, I'm a little concerned whether the program is really that good and whether it worth the money to go there. Also, my friend told me that UNC is closer to the firms in the industry so that it actually gives more job opportunity than Columbia does. 

As for UNC, I know its got a better program and higher ranks academically speaking, but I think its location has less advantage. Also, I feel like UNC's program has less "freedom" than Columbia's in the sense that it's got such a rigorous program that if I go there, I probably should be determined in biostatistics. Not that I don't, but I feel like going to Columbia and NYC can give me more leeway if I want to explore something else. 

Please help if you have any suggestions! I appreciate any replies!

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