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Profile Evaluation for Fall 2021, Biostat/Stat Phd

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Hi everyone, 

I am about to be a senior next semester and ready to apply for Fall 2021 Biostats/Stats PhD and would appreciate any advice on my profile and schools

Undergrad Institution:  Top 50 State flagship based on US News

Undergrad Major: Statistics

Undergrad Minor: Math, Computer Science

GPA(Undergrad): 3.94

Type of Student: International Asian male

Relevant Courses(Undergraduate): 
Math: Calculus 1-2(AP), Honor Calculus 3 , Elementary Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Numerical method:  All A's or A+'s

Comp Science:  data structure, discrete math, database, data mining, and several NLP/ML classes  All A's or A+'s

Stats: Statistics/Probability 1-2. Intro to Applied Stats, Regression analysis(A-), Categorical variable and sampling, Stochastic process, Survival analysis, Applied Bayesian, All A's or A+'s expect 1 specified.

Class plan to take: Bio-info, Differential equation,  Non-Parametric Statistics

GRE General: V/Q/A: 158/168/3.5, Worth retaking GRE general for a Better AWA?

GRE Math Subject:  I don't think I need take this if I am more applied oriented. 

Programs Applying: Statistics/Biostatistics PhD

Research Experience: Had a one year program with a Bioinfo professor doing data analysis and machine learning about predicting the outbreak of certain Virus(Planning to publish). 

Had multiple research project with a Math professor on several topics (Game theory and Data Analytics) and presented at a national conference.

Admitted to a legit summer  Program at Canada and will work remotely with a professor and a team on applied math on blood glucose topics

I think I will take the three recommendations from these three professors that I worked with. I know at least the first two should be strong as they helped me to get a great summer program, and I will try to impress the third during the summer...


Target Programs: 

I am mostly interested in statistics and computer science with their application on Biology and medicines. I am less interested in theory but can definitely take them as needed.

So I'm looking primarily at biostats but also open to several applied focused statistics programs.

Given my lack of publications and the fact that I am international and Asian,  My general plan is to apply ranking 20-40 Stats Phd, 5-15 Biostats Phd, based on 

And also apply several prestigious master program like Harvard and Stanford.


If anyone could give their opinion on some specific schools I am competitive for, that would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks for your help!




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Your plan of action sounds great. You could apply to some larger departments that have biostatistics and statistics together under the same umbrella (e.g. NCSU, UWisconsin, and FSU Statistics all house biostat in the Statistics department and allow PhD students to do a Biostatistics concentration for their PhD). Many Statistics departments -- even ones that are known to be more theoretical,-- will also have a few faculty working mainly on applied problems, including those motivated by biology/genetics (e.g. Stanford has Susan Holmes, UPenn Wharton has Shane Jensen and Nancy Zhang, etc.). 

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