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Top School Admission Error

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I received an admission from a top ranked school (not naming it here) for an MPP. It was followed by a piece of communication the same week informing that the admission notification was sent in error. Anyone else has had or heard of a similar experience ? Any advice on what I should do ? I guess not much if they do not want me.

- Perplexed and Distressed

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That is terrible! If I were you, I would be of a mind to call the admissions office, use a stern voice and tell them they can't deny you! Not sure if that will work...

Hope you were also accepted elsewhere. Best of luck!

I received an admission from a top ranked school (not naming it here) for an MPP. It was followed by a piece of communication the same week informing that the admission notification was sent in error. Anyone else has had or heard of a similar experience ? Any advice on what I should do ? I guess not much if they do not want me.

- Perplexed and Distressed

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Yes, absolutely call the admissions office and ask to speak to the Dean of Admissions or of the school itself. When you do, let them know that sort of thing is completely unacceptable for a program of their stature and you hope they closely examine the mistakes that were made to cause the error and prevent it from happening in the future. Really vent at the dean, if that'll help. It'll mostly be for your own benefit to get some of that negative energy out. Obviously if you have any intention of applying to that specific program again, I would be more diplomatic. But either way, you should contact whoever is in charge of the program and let your feelings be known.

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It's happening all too frequently.

This year at the University of Toronto http://www.lfpress.com/news/canada/2010/04/13/13570526.html

A few years ago at the University of Missouri http://munews.missouri.edu/news-releases/2007/1017-graduate-school-email.php

Last year at Ottawa, applications were "misplaced." http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2009/07/14/hundreds-of-uottawa-law-applicants-overlooked/

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Thank you everyone, for your responses and for your words of support. This was the only program I had applied to - was selective as I already have a Masters degree in a different field from another leading university.

I was quick to share the short lived 'good news' with family, close friends and my recommendation providers. Everyone seems to be so surprised that a world class school could do this. I am unsure exactly what transpired - there was a nice personalized note at the bottom of the offer letter; so am inclined to think it was not a systems or a process error.

Will try inquiring after this admissions season is over. If it was because of any perceived deficiency in my application that they discovered after the initial decision - will try to address that and apply again. If they refuse to discuss or provide feedback, I will just accept it is not the place for me and move on. It surely is hurting now, but hopefully it will not after some time.

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I hope that the second piece of communication involved a profuse apology. Yeah, they are probably not going to offer you admission because of their mistake, but you should make them aware that this is NOT okay and if they did decide there was a reason not to admit you, after offering you admission, they should be transparent about that.

It's possible they write personalized notes on everyone's letters (one of my schools seems to do this) -- so your application was put in the admit pile by mistake, and then whoever was in charge of writing the notes for the set of applications you were in just went through and did all of them, not remembering you had not been admitted. I dunno -- plausible? They should really explain themselves.

I've been in a similar situation myself (not with grad schools though) and it seemed like everyone EXCEPT the people who made the mistake recognized it as a serious error that I had every right to be furious about. The people responsible, however, did not seem to understand why I was so upset. It sounds like in your case they need to be told this as well. If they're not answering their phones, maybe you could write them a letter / find out who to file a complaint with. Frankly I don't think that you should have to wait until the admissions season is over -- they've screwed up and should deal with it, not keep you waiting. Not saying you should be rude or aggressive (doesn't sound like you would be) but stern is probably necessary.

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Someone else reported this happening to them with the Woodrow Wilson School, although I think they were told of the "mistake" within a day. I totally agree about complaining to the Dean, etc., although yelling and screaming is probably not the best strategy. Perhaps a little public shaming is in order? Which program was it?

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I agree with the potential of the public shaming route but only if you can get the attention of someone that works for the school's newspaper or a regional/national daily to write about it. Or if you write a letter to the editor to get it published. Seriously, if you post the name of the school here, it won't do any good. Applicants will still apply next year; the rest of us applicants and admitted students will forget it ever happened in no time flat.

But it is definitely a BIG deal that needs to be addressed internally at the school. Yelling/screaming on a phone call would be a much better way to effect change in this situation (IMO) than posting the name of the school here. However, obviously, a nice piece about adcom incompetence or an op-ed from you in the Lackadaisical University Daily would be even better.

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