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SLPA denial in California per board changing rules

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Anyone out there who was denied SLPA certification, after the board changed their policy?  I was taking prerequisite courses through UNK, at the advisement of CSUN and was 23 credits in when the board cut everyone off (although I heard if you were taking prerequisite courses at a California school they wouldn't cut you off).  I know there has to be a ton of SLPA's in California who don't have an AA or BS degree in communications but took the prerequisite coursework and were certified.  Trying to find a workaround....  Anyone who can help or has been able to appeal and succeed, PLEASE reach out.  THANK YOU!!

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Hi there,


I am a SLPA in CA and have been for about 5 years. I haven't met any other SLPAs who didn't have a bachelor's degree in the field or didn't complete an associates program. I don't think there is any way around this, but maybe you can reach out to associates programs and explain your situation. Maybe they can allow you to only complete the courses which you are lacking. 

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Thank you so much!  I do know there are SLPA's without an AA or BS degree in SLP currently practicing in California.  California universities, Loma Linda and CSUN in particular, had leveling coursework for those who possessed a BS degree in a non SLP field.  Once those courses were completed, you could then apply to their SLPA programs and ultimately become certified.  The SLP board claims they never allowed those without the correct BS degree to become certified but that's not the case.  I've reached out to ASHA as well and they have informed me some of those taking leveling coursework in California were grandfathered in and allowed to continue the SLPA pursuit but my coursework was completed at the University of Nebraska Kearny, a school CSUN recommended.  It's been so disheartening.  I'm at the point now where I'm seeking legal advice but am hoping for some sort of resolution.

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