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Field Application Scientist Career as an option for PhDs


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Hi All!  


I remember the feeling of getting ready to graduate and thinking that I would find a job really quick because I had the almighty PhD.  I knew that I wanted to go straight into industry and I was focused on the Medical Science Liaison career.  I researched so much about this career and put all my hopes into getting this position. During the summer right after my graduation ceremony I was super happy to get  a call and an offer to fly out to California (I live in Georgia) to come for a 3rd and final MSL interview.  Unfortunately, I did not get this position and was told that other candidates had previous MSL experience and were a better fit.   I kept trying to land a MSL position for quite a few months and .... it never came through. 

I then remembered a career that one of my former labmates mentioned several times; that she was going after.  It was the Field Application Scientist career and once I looked into it for myself, I realized that this career would fit me perfectly.  So that began my new FAS journey.  I applied to many roles and started getting calls to be interviewed.   I was more hopeful  in landing a FAS position because I realized that the recruiters seemed to be more open to candidates that were new PhD grads.

 However, this doesn't mean I landed my first role as a FAS quickly.   I interviewed with one company  beginning in the month of March (10 months after graduating) and was not  given an offer from this same company until the month of June; an exhausting process that did end with what I wanted...a job in industry!  If you are looking for an industry job out of grad school I  am here to tell you to stay hopeful!  It can happen quickly or it can take a very long time. Either way, if its what you really want stay determined and keep your eyes and ears open to what may be a great opportunity for YOU. 


The perks about being a FAS is:

  • you still get to experience or learn about  all of the novel science that is happening in academia or hospitals
  • you get to travel to different sites (my first position covered the entire U.S.,so it was a great travel opportunity)
  • you get to make connections with  so many other researchers 
  • you get to teach others and are seen as the expert for a product, process or platform 
  • and you are now in industry!  And there is a saying    "Once you are in...you are IN!"


Here's to many more PhD's finding jobs they love*



Edited by ProfessionalPhD
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