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Dr. Dingwen Tao from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University invites applications for Ph.D. studies in the areas of high-performance computing, parallel and distributed systems, and distributed deep learning. Students will be fully funded by research/teaching assistantship. Dr. Tao has published many papers in top HPC and Big Data conferences and journals, including ACM HPDC, ACM ICS, ACM ICPP, ACM PPoPP, ACM PACT, IEEE/ACM SC, IEEE BigData, IEEE CLUSTER, IEEE DAC, IEEE IPDPS, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), IJHPCA, etc. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Xilinx. More details of Dr. Tao's research and projects can be found at: https://www.dingwentao.com/research

Qualified candidates are expected to have strong programming experiences in C/C++ and Python under Linux platform and good English writing skills. Students with prior research experience in parallel computing (MPI/OpenMP) and/or acceleration technologies (GPGPU/FPGA) are preferred. Students with strong CS, Math, EE, or Physics backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should send their detailed CVs, all transcripts, G/T scores, and other supporting documents in one pdf file directly to Dr. Tao at dingwen.tao@wsu.edu and apply online at https://gradschool.wsu.edu/apply/ 120 days before the beginning of the semester for full consideration. Please indicate Dr. Tao as your potential advisor in your statement of purpose.


  • Ranking: WSU is an R1 public research university and has high CS rankings:
    • According to Washington Monthly, WSU ranks #47 in the list of top national public universities in U.S.
    • According to US News Rankings, WSU CS graduate program ranks #75 in U.S.
    • According to CS Rankings, WSU ranks #7 in design automation, #17 in HPC, #54 in database, #57 in AI, #61 in all system areas, and #74 in all areas in U.S.
  • Faculty: 90% of WSU EECS junior faculty members have received prestigious federal young investigator awards, such as NSF/DOE/DOD Early Career Award. Students in EECS also won highly competitive PhD fellowships such as Microsoft PhD Fellowship.
  • Job Opportunity: WSU is also close to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and has a joint program with PNNL, providing many collaboration opportunities with high-impact, national science and engineering research, especially HPC. Dr Tao's group has close collaborations with many national research laboratories such as Argonne National Lab, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab, Oak Ridge National Lab to develop emerging research and technology into real-world applications. Most PhD students have opportunities to intern at these national labs to work on fantastic collaborative projects.
  • Location: WSU is located in Pullman close to several big cities including Seattle, Portland, and Boise, which have many giant IT companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Intel, Micron. Living cost is quite reasonable. Pullman has generally nice climates, safe neighborhoods, and beautiful outdoors/scenery. Graduate students can enjoy an excellent quality of life.
Edited by Devin Tao
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