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2 quickies...anyone?


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So has anyone else receive a personal note written on their acceptance letter from the grad admissions director/staff encouraging your acceptance? Thought that was a little odd... It was from the New School Social Research if that helps. (did we all get one?)

Also, anyone interviewing at Seton Hall this or last week? ....Mind sharing about that?

Thx in adv. :)

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I didn't get a note written on my admissions letters but I got phone calls and personal emails from potential advisors. You should take it as it was meant! They want you to know that it's not just a form letter accepting you, and that they've really looked at you/taken the time to decide that it's you specifically that they want.

For me, this was a huge factor in my decision - how much personal effort the school put into contacting me/letting me know they wanted me. The advisor that seemed the most interested, is probably going to be the one that will be of the most help for me communication wise once I get there too. This isn't an infallible means of reasoning of course, but it was important to me.

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Nice! Thanks for that. As you know, every little bit of perspective helps enormously! And I think your right about the personal attention/communication. I was about to be impressed when a actual person signed the rejection letters...lol! :P

Edited by linda1
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My situation was the same as for Modernity. Less than a week after I received my acceptance via e-mail I had already received a phone call, two e-mails from professors (one of them asking me when I was going to be available for a phone call) and one from a grad student. During the whole process and my campus visit everybody was extremely warm and welcoming. I really felt I was wanted there and that I would feel happy studying there (the atmosphere in the department with students and professors was great). I also got accepted in another school with full funding as well, but in the second program I felt more like another number in a list. That was, together with fit, the main reason for my final decision.

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